Saturday 18 August 2012

Snore Causes and Cures | Fitness. | How Can You Lose Weight


Kitty knows you can?t deny it, just about everyone be it man or beast will snores occasionally. Snoring can affect how much and how well we sleep, as poor sleep may be a sign of poor health. Snoring is not a laughing matter, because it is not just your health that may be in jeopardy, it?s your relationship. Loud snoring is the number one cause why couples sleep separately. Let?s look at some snoring solutions and find a way to eliminate snoring and improve your health, love life and your sleep.

If you want to quit snoring it?s important to find out why you Snore. Identifying the cause will help you to choose the cure. For example; if you use a forced heat furnace this could dry out the air in your bedroom.

Cause: you get congested, so you sleep with your mouth open making you snore.

Cure: buy a humidifier or try nasal sprays to keep your nasal passageway moist and clear. It would be nice if it were that simple. Let?s look at some other at-home treatments to see if they will help reduce your snoring:

Sleep on your side Use an anti-snoring pillow to elevate your head Stop drinking alcohol 2-3 hours prior to bedtime, alcohol relaxes your throat muscles more; as do some medications. Weight loss?if you are overweight even losing 10% of your body weight may do the trick. Extra fat in the neck can obstruct airway passages.

Obstruction of the airway passage is the reason why we snore. Deformities of the nose and throat and poor sleep posture contribute to the obstruction. Some people are born with too much throat and nasal tissue or even a larger tongue, which can get in the way of breathing. The cause may not be within your control and medical treatment may be necessary. Talk with your partner and keep a sleep journal to help determine the cause of your snoring.

If you snore with your mouth closed, a weakened soft palate may be the reason. With a weak soft palate your tongue maybe applying pressure on the uvula creating a vibration. If you snore with your mouth open, you may have enlarged adenoids or tonsils. Only snore on your back and not all the time, could just suggest that you Need to change some sleep or health habits. If you snore in all position and very loudly, may signify a more severe health reason such as sleep apnea and may require a consult with your physician. If you have sleep apnea, you and your partner will wake up periodically during the night. Constant sleep disruption will eventually take a toll on your relationship as well as your health.

Sleep apnea is potentially life-threatening because the person actually stops breathing for a few seconds continuously during the night. Snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea and not the cause. If simple at-home remedies don?t cure or at least lessen your snoring, you should contact an ear, nose and throat doctor (otolaryngologist) or sleep specialist. You may be referred to a sleep clinic where they can evaluate your sleep and determine if you are a candidate for a CPAP machine or a dentist if you need a dental appliance. Both a CPAP machine and dental appliance are worn during the night. The CPAP will force air into your airway passage and the dental appliance will keep the jaw inline or the tongue forward during sleep.

If you?re diagnosed with enlarge tonsils or adenoids a surgeon can perform a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Other surgeries include an Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) which uses a scalpel, laser or a microwaving probe to remove excess tissue in the back of the throat and/or inside the nose. Plastic surgery can reconstruct a deformed jaw or deviated septum in the nose.

A new surgery called the Pillar Procedure uses small implants that are inserted into the soft palate. Over time, scar tissue or tissue fibers will build up around the implants causing the soft palate to stiffen. Stiffening the soft palate stops the vibrations that cause snoring. This procedure is done on an out-patient basis, under a local anesthesia with minimal pain and quick recovery time. Since this is a new procedure, long term studies have not been established. The cost of this procedure is not covered by health insurance or Medicare, but is under review. Most insurance plans do not cover surgeries for snoring. With any procedure, consult with your doctor to find a qualified, experienced surgeon in your area to help you eliminate snoring.

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