Thursday 23 August 2012

California Community Foundation

The California Community Foundation (CCF) in Los Angeles has been an essential community advocate in the region since 1915. With more than $1 billion in assets, CCF is one of the largest foundations of any kind in the nation. As a community foundation, CCF is a tax-exempt, public nonprofit organization committed to transformative change across Los Angeles and around the world. Like other foundations, we make grants; but as a community foundation, we fulfill many roles:

  • Champion of charitable giving by individuals, families, organizations and companies
  • Trusted steward of donor funds and legacies
  • Major provider of financial, technical, and management support?to nonprofit organizations
  • Thought-leader and collaborator with diverse decision-makers and opinion shapers in addressing regional issues
  • Leading convener??and grant maker?on the most pressing and critical issues facing Los Angeles, particularly in the arts, education, healthcare, housing, and human development

Each year, we allocate nearly as many charitable dollars as we receive. From 2003 to 2011, we have raised more than $1.4 billion in philanthropic contributions and made more than 50,000 grants totaling $1.1 billion. CCF is a vibrant and dynamic philanthropic engine granting out, on average, 10-20 percent of its assets annually.

CCF has the insights, relationships and experience to make your charitable giving meaningful and effective. With an impressive track record of achievement and a relentless focus on strengthening outcomes for current and future generations, it?s no wonder families, donors, non-profits and companies have trusted us as their philanthropic partner for nearly a century.


Phone: (213) 413-4130


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