Tuesday 28 August 2012

Motherhood Uncensored: When mom's away, dad will play. Is that ...

While I was away this past week, my husband got a last minute invite to a concert of a band that I've never heard of and decided to go for about 6 hours on Friday night.?

But that meant hiring a new, last minute sitter and leaving our oldest at the friend's house for a sleepover.?

I found all this out after the fact when he sort of casually mentioned it a few hours after I returned.?

Now really, I was more surprised than annoyed. Or really, not surprised, since the week before he told me he "sold" his car, which actually meant he had traded it in and bought another one. Surprise!

So not hearing that he left the kids with a new sitter and was gone for an entire evening was not surprising.?

But I thought it should be. Or it least, it just felt a little odd.?

So I tried to figure out what I felt that way.?

I didn't care that the sitter was a guy, which I know for whatever "male sitters must be pedophiles" reasons can weird some people out; he's the oldest son of one of our neighbors and a CPR-certified school teacher with good references.?

The new sitter thing did make me raise my eyebrow a bit,?mostly because I have a child in diapers and little ones that still require assistance in the bathroom. Strangers wiping my kids' butts does make me a little nervous, though since the sitter came recommended, it didn't put me off too much. I think.

I wasn't at all annoyed that my daughter had a sleepover at a friend's house.

And I actually thought it was good that my husband got a chance to get out with his own friend, something he doesn't get to do very much of these days.?

So then I narrowed down my mild discomfort about this to a few things:

1. I'd wager a bet that if I had done the same thing, especially with a new sitter, without even just texting him, he'd have been up my ass.?

2. He hates spending money on sitters, so when he was willing to shell out a lot of money for this, I was definitely thrown off.?

3. We've had lots of opportunities to enjoy a date night but he was never willing to try someone new then or shell out the bazillionty dollars to do so.?

Just for kicks, I put the question out on Twitter and it was interesting to see the range of responses. A bunch of folks were really upset:?

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Others did feel it was odd, but also acknowledged that their spouses don't necessarily meet or see all their babysitters:?

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Others thought it wasn't weird at all:

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I was really surprised by the reaction from the dads:

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Screen shot 2012-08-26 at 1.23.42 PM

So, I'd love for you to weigh in - either on my own situation or perhaps if this happened (or has happened) to you. And just so you know, all's well that ends well. He got one helluva fabulous birthday gift. And now I have ammunition to schedule last minute girl's nights out and date nights for a very long time.?

Source: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/motherhood_uncensored/2012/08/what-would-you-do-.html

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