Monday 27 August 2012

Amazing facts about link building : Planning and Executing the ...

Amazing facts about link building : Planning and Executing the Perfect SEO Campaign

Posted by Sanket Patel to Link Building


This arti?cle serves as a guide to define and under?stand what link build?ing is, why they are impor?tant links in a web?site and their clas?si?fi?ca?tions, and how to get links to a web?site. It encom?passes the dif?fer?ent link build?ing strate?gies and also pro?vides infor?ma?tion on dif?fer?ent tools that help the link build?ing process.

How Search engines treat?Links?

Search engines crawls the web and for them every page on the web is dif?fer?ent so the links pre?sented on the web pages play a role of nav?i?ga?tion for search engines. Search Engines use link analy?sis to dis?cover how the web pages are related to other pages and in what ways. Links are counted as votes over web for search engines since late 1990?s which rep?re?sents the democ?racy of web opin?ion by which search engines can assume the pop?u?lar?ity and impor?tance of the pages. Means the page which got max?i?mum inbound links (votes) con?sider as a most impor?tant over the Inter?net for its related indus?try. Search engines can ana?lyze the qual?ity links from the total num?ber of inbound links by using their sophis?ti?cated algo?rithms to avoid link spam as these algo?rithms help them to eval?u?ate the website?s nature of par?tic?i?pa?tion and con?tri?bu?tion over the web by which search engines rec?og?nize the max?i?mum gen?uine sites which can be shown in their search results to sat?isfy their user needs. This is why Qual?ity Back?link Port?fo?lio is the most impor?tant fac?tor to gain higher rank?ing in all the search engines.

What?s New in Link Building?

Link Build?ing is a process of estab?lish?ing rel?e?vant, inbound links to your web?site which help your web?site to achieve higher rank?ing in all the search engines all you need is to build a max?i?mum back?links or just more than your com?peti?tors to be on the top of the search results.

Link Build?ing is a never end?ing process the max?i?mum you build the max?i?mum you get privileged.

?SEO, link build?ing is among the top tasks required for search rank?ing and traf?fic suc?cess.? SEOMOZ

Why your Web?site Needs Link Building

Links are the lifeblood of the Inter?net. If there is a cur?rency over the Inter?net, and be rep?re?sented by this net?work of sites con?nected. As with any cur?rency, finan?cial strength is deter?mined from the amount you have in the bank, the more you have, the stronger your situation.

Search engines should serve as a medi?a?tor of the Inter?net. It is there job to sift through tril?lions of pages and their order of impor?tance. To do so they first need to be able to judge the author?ity of the site, and one of the key fac?tors used to deter?mine the power by review?ing the struc?ture of the linkage.

A web?site with?out any inbound links can be inter?preted as hav?ing lit?tle or no rel?e?vance for search engines. Using the prin?ci?ple that a web?site link only if it con?sid?ers it to another value to their own vis?i?tors, it is not dif?fi?cult to see why a site with no links could be con?sid?ered of lit?tle or no value in the eyes of a search engines.

Link Building

When a search engine crawler goes through a web?site that is unable to see the design of the web?site or your ser?vice rate and your level of ser?vice, all they can see is the text con?tent and link struc?ture. This puts a great empha?sis on qual?ity con?tent and link?ing struc?ture, only one rea?son why link build?ing is so important.

Every link you man?age to win, whether it?s from a direc?tory, blog or web?site, will help build your site?s core strength. As in most areas of SEO, some are more effec?tive than oth?ers do. The rel?e?vance of the link and the strength of the site that has given will often deter?mine how much power you get. While the amount is extremely impor?tant, so is the qual?ity and diver?sity of a link structure.

To get a good num?ber of links to a wide range of high qual?ity sites is the ulti?mate goal for any link build?ing strat?egy. It may take time to build this type of infra?struc?ture and is rarely sim?ple, this may deter some web?sites. You need to know where the best sources for links, the best way to do it and how to avoid toxic that do more harm than good to your site, so it?s not always easy.

Good orig?i?nal con?tent, over time, should attract site own?ers and Inter?net users who want to pro?vide a link. This is a very nat?ural way to link build?ing. Obvi?ously, there are no guar?an?tees, but as qual?ity con?tent is effec?tive and eth?i?cal SEO, is undoubt?edly a pos?i?tive way of adding a link build?ing strat?egy more deliberate.

Links are impor?tant for SEO, but they are more impor?tant to drive tar?geted traf?fic to your web?site from the dif?fer?ent sites or com?mu?ni?ties frankly speak?ing you can get more poten?tial and pos?i?tive traf?fic from other sites as com?pare to traf?fic comes from the search engines. The more incom?ing links means your site is reach?ing to the more web?site which improves your sites chances to get more atten?tion by a broader cross sec?tion of densely pop?u?lated Internet.

So link build?ing isn?t just impor?tant in SEO, it?s essential.

But how you can gen?er?ate the links for your website.

Now as you know why back?links are so much impor?tant, So as a web?site owner you can?not afford not to build a back?links for your site. You can build back?links by your?self but it?s really tough to achieve top rank?ings as the Search Engine Opti?miza?tion is get?ting more and more tough with every sin?gle pass?ing day. As more and more peo?ples are imple?ment?ing max?i?mum eth?i?cal tech?niques to over?come the com?pe?ti?tion to impress search engine robots actu?ally they are mak?ing the indus?try more tougher than ever before. So if any one who is not imple?ment?ing some clas?si?fied strate?gies for their SEO Cam?paign will never get rank?ing for their key?words at the top of search engines. So now-a-days it is past story to opti?mize site on your own and this is the rea?son the con?cept of Link Build?ing Ser?vices come in front. As a busi?ness site owner all you need is just to earn more and more money, spend?ing your pre?cious time behind under?stand?ing search engine nature or opti?miza?tion tech?niques is really a bad idea. So all you need is just to out?source your SEO Cam?paign to a Pro?fes?sional SEO Com?pany. A com?pany which can under?stand all your needs and have a team of experts who can grasp your indus?tries busi?ness pro?mo?tion trends a com?pany which have the atti?tude to face the tough?est com?pe?ti?tion or have a poten?tial to rise your web?site as a brand. So ladies and gen?tle?men here I intro?duce you to the world?s best link build?ing com?pany the

What Should be Included in eth?i?cal link build?ing campaign:

The process of link build?ing requires a lot of time and efforts and our team of experts believe to pro?vide cus?tomized solu?tion to each of our clients as we under?stands that each and every site is dif?fer?ent and so their busi?ness goals so we are not using a sin?gle strat?egy for every busi?ness as we know that every web?site, busi?ness and indus?try has its own chal?lenges and with the years of expe?ri?ence we know how to face them to achieve a desired success.

At Blurb?point firstly we ana?lyze your web?sites and then your back?links and also your competitor?s back?links which helps us to under?stand the pro?mo?tion trends of your indus?try. We deeply study your indus?try and the level of com?pe?ti?tion than we plan the accu?rate link build?ing strat?egy which works the best for your web?site in this man?ner we build the most gen?uine back?link port?fo?lio for your site which helps your site to rank well in all major search engines.

Just con?tact to our represta?tives to know which type of link build?ing ser?vice would work best for you. Or just give us your web?site URL we will make a free audit report which helps you to know more about your site per?for?mance and where you stands in the competition.

Blurb?point Link Build?ing Ser?vices Methodology

Here is the process what we do for your web?site. This meth?ods give you the brief under?stand?ing of how SEO?works.

Unique Strat?egy for Each Client - As I said above that a strat?egy which work good for one site might be not work same for other site. Because every site is dif?fer?ent and so their busi?nesses. So we are build?ing a whole new strat?egy for our each clients. Our link build?ing strat?egy starts with the key?word research and a thor?ough analy?sis of your site as well as your com?peti?tors site we also deeply analy?ses the back?link port?fo?lio of your com?peti?tors which help us to under?stand more about your indus?tries pro?mo?tion trends. Armed with this knowl?edge we then cre?ate a link?ing strat?egy based on the objec?tives and bud?get of cus?tomers. Our strate?gies range from which a con?struc?tion prod?uct links to the incor?po?ra?tion of more than a dozen. We have devel?oped and refined over a dozen dif?fer?ent link build?ing tech?niques over the years. Once we final?ize which link build?ing tech?niques are suit?able for the cus?tomer who orga?nize them into a strat?egy of short and long term. The strat?egy out?lines the num?ber of links that will take each key?word and the speed at which these links should be?built.

Key?word Research and Com?pet?i?tive Intel?li?gence? The most essen?tial thing in link build?ing is the key?words which should be tar?geted for your site if your site is not being pro?moted by the per?fect pair of key?words than your whole invest?ment is in vain. That?s the rea?son we do very sharp key?word research to select the most appro?pri?ate key?words for your site to gain the max?i?mum poten?tial visitors(customers) from the search engines. That?s why each of our Cus?tomer Ser?vice Rep?re?sen?ta?tives, Link Build?ing Spe?cial?ists, and account man?agers are cer?ti?fied in the house to do key?word research and com?pe?ti?tion spy?ing. We have devel?oped pro?pri?etary tech?nolo?gies, pro?grams, and meth?ods of scor?ing that allow us to make rec?om?men?da?tions that will help you max?i?mize the return on your invest?ment. While many of the com?pa?nies charge for a key?word selec?tion, we offer key?word research as a value-added ser?vice to our link build?ing ser?vices. After the inter?views we are able to pick apart both your site and your com?peti?tors? sites to deter?mine the exact words should be tar?geted and how dif?fi?cult those key?words will be obtained at the top of the rankings.

On-Page Opti?miza?tion? Link Build?ing plays very impor?tant role to get higher rank?ing but if your site is not prop?erly opti?mize means if your site is not a SEO friendly than it is impos?si?ble to gain higher rank?ing. On-Page fac?tor such as meta tags proper use of key?words are just the ini?tials. Our project mangers will help you or guide you to opti?mize your inter?nal link struc?ture per?fectly or also advice you how and which pages should be linked to each other. We also help you with the browser and W3C com?pli?ance to ensure that spi?ders can eas?ily read your con?tent and users that can not be deterred.
Note ? We fol?low all the guide lines for on-page opti?miza?tion. Here is some on-page fac?tors nec?es?sary for SEO defined by SEOMOZ which we strictly follows.

Con?tex?tual and One Way Links ? Every one of Blurb?point link build?ing tech?niques are One Way. We do not cre?ate rec?i?p?ro?cal links to your site which are strictly dis?ap?proved by Google. Google gives extra priv?i?lege to con?tex?tual links means the links which are in the con?tent rather than the stand?alone links means the links which are sit?u?ated in the side bar or footer. Blurb?point offer more than a dozen con?tex?tual link build?ing ser?vices. And our all ser?vices embed?ding your links in the most unique con?tent which post on other sites. Arti?cle Sub?mis?sion, Blog Review Ser?vice, Blog Com?ment?ing Ser?vice, Link Bait?ing, Press Release Dis?tri?b?u?tion are just some examples.

Link Build?ing with proper time dura?tion - Build?ing links are impor?tant but it is even more impor?tant HOW you are build them. Build?ing thou?sands of links in a month alerts Google and so involv?ing in such robotic activ?ity may penal?ize your site. New sites should be approached dif?fer?ently than old ones. After the cre?at?ing mil?lions of links to thou?sands of cus?tomers we know how aggres?sive we can be. We deeply ana?lyze the domain age and back?link pro?file of site so we can make a strat?egy or sched?ule which fast as well as safe for effec?tive link build?ing devel?op?ment. The trick is to built link fast enough to get the desired results quickly, but not that fast which can harm your?sites.

Anchor Text Opti?miza?tion ? Anchor text is all about the bal?anc?ing the key?words or phrase which are tar?geted for your site. It is really a bad idea to tar?get a site with very few key?words a site should be tar?get with the proper rage of the key?words or phrases doing this help a site to per?form well in terms of attract?ing traf?fic from search engines as well as other sites. There?fore pick?ing the right key?words for your dif?fer?ent links is very impor?tant. As over opti?miza?tion is also a con?cern. We know how to cre?ate a right bal?ance between links, time and key?words to get effec?tive results.

Link from vari?ety of sites - One of the most impor?tant tech?niques for build?ing links cor?rectly is the con?struc?tion of a vari?ety of links instead of build?ing a ton of the same kind of link. It seems unnat?ural to build all the same type of links. So it is even more good to build less links but with dif?fer?ent vari?eties. So we not only build links but we build them for you by using dozen of dif?fer?ent link build?ing strategies.Blurbpoint have large infra?struc?ture to accom?plish link build?ing ser?vices most effec?tively for your site we have a large num?ber of experts, sup?pli?ers and part?ners with thou?sand of source inven?tory which con?tributes to build max?i?mum qual?ity links for your web?sites. Basi?cally search engines loves links from max?i?mum dif?fer?ent sources because noth?ing seems more nat?ural to have links from dif?fer?ent places.

Google Trust, TrustRank, Trust Score -Google gives each site a con?fi?dence score. There are many ways to win or lose trust in Google. Increased con?fi?dence means more scor?ing. One way to increase con?fi?dence is to get other trusted sites to link to yours. Trusted sites can also be called author?ity sites. Also build con?fi?dence by hav?ing qual?ity con?tent. There are many ways to lose con?fi?dence. You may lose the con?fi?dence to put spam dupli?cate con?tent on your site, cre?at?ing links to bad neigh?bor?hoods (sites that have been marked as unre?li?able), or by cre?at?ing links too quickly. You can also lose trust in Google if a large part of your back?links are not nat?ural. Blurb?point knows how to build trust with Google. This is how we can do what we?do.

Client Ser?vices Excel?lence ? Blurb?point Cus?tomer Ser?vice is unsur?passed. While other link build?ing com?pa?nies just focus on the sell?ing their soft?ware base link build?ing pack?ages we focus to make rela?tion?ship with our clients we also use to give sug?ges?tion to many of our clients even after their projects has been suc?cess?fully com?pleted. Our project man?agers are cer?ti?fied SEO spe?cial?ist and they love to help any one and pro?vid?ing their sup?port and advices 24/7 via phone or?email.


Speak to one of our Link Build?ing Pro?fes?sion?als Today ? 516?665-1600 or use our con?tact?form

Blurb?point brief introduction.

Blurb?point is the world?s best link build?ing com?pany located in USA, UK and INDIA. Blurb?point pro?vides com?plete Inter?net mar?ket?ing ser?vices which are spe?cially designed to improve your online pres?ence and rank?ing in all the major search engines. Our ser?vices helps web?sites to per?form bet?ter than their com?peti?tors as we diverse the max?i?mum qual?ity traf?fic towards sites which boost up con?ver?sion?rates.

Blurb?point is always been on the top in the ever-changing world of SEO and Inter?net Mar?ket?ing, mak?ing nec?es?sary adjust?ments to our strate?gies to help all of our clients in achiev?ing their goals online.

Blurb?point is here to pro?mote progress. We offer results-oriented Inter?net Mar?ket?ing, Search Engine Opti?miza?tion, Social Media Mar?ket?ing, Link Build?ing, Local Search and Key?word Research, offer?ing a wide range of tools and services.

Blurb?point Link Build?ing Services

As each of our clients cam?paigns are cus?tomized for their busi?ness, we offer a wide range of link build?ing ser?vices to suit the needs of each com?pany. Our link build?ing ser?vice are designed to con?nect the links in the rel?e?vant con?tent by com?ment on blogs and forums where your cus?tomers are look?ing for?ward to your busi?ness, and every?thing in between. We can develop blog posts, arti?cles, power rat?ings, and get links from the most impor?tant pages of your industry.

For us, link build?ing is an art. It takes vision and time to plan a per?fect strat?egy to show the best results. Obtain?ing a link, for many it can take a lot of time and energy. Unfor?tu?nately, many unsuc?cess?ful efforts, but our team not only takes time to obtain these valu?able links, but over time we has devel?oped a processes to do link build?ing with max?i?mum effi?ciency by the years of expe?ri?ence in the indus?try, So our cus?tomers can ben?e?fit from our con?tacts. We get our clients more links with higher qual?ity per dol?lar on their web?site to give more author?ity than they might oth?er?wise archiv?ing with their budgets.

Let us serve you and your web?site so ask for the per?fect cus?tomized link build?ing pack?age which suites best for you to achieve your?goals.

What makes different?

The answer is sim?ple and it is our atti?tude to serve you best, When we started our blurb?point link build?ing ser?vices, we started with the strongest set of prin?ci?ples that we fol?low till this date. As a link build?ing com?pany that has built mil?lions of links for our hun?dreds of clients over the years we totally under?stood when and where should be a link should be posted with the vast expe?ri?ence into the indus?try we know what search engines likes and how that?s the rea?son we love to call us SEO Experts. We know how the link build?ing ser?vices work and we also know how it should be done to yield max?i?mum results. We can say with con?fi?dence that max?i?mum com?pa?nies do not use a tested link build?ing ser?vice for their clients site result the harm?ful side effects.

From per?fectly ana?lyze your site to proper key?word research and on-page opti?miza?tion to appro?pri?ate per?cent?age of key?word den?sity and lastly to our link build?ing ser?vice, we have refine and rede?fine our link build?ing strat?egy sev?eral times to serve you and your site with the best qual?ity. When other link build?ing com?pany com?pro?mise with qual?ity just to sell high quan?tity links we just make bet?ter strate?gies to build max?i?mum qual?ity links to build your sites author?ity. Choos?ing an easy way just to earn some dol?lars is not in our ethics. We believe in build a mil?lion dol?lar rela?tion with our clients and this is the only rea?son blurb?point get max?i?mum busi?ness by the ref?er?ences which our clients do for us as we have 98% client sat?is?fac?tion rate for our link build?ing ser?vices which is much big?ger than any mar?ket?ing cam?paign for?us.

Our Promise for our Link Build?ing Services

Blurb?point believes in help?ing any?one no mat?ters you are our client or not. We had help thou?sands of peo?ples regard?ing any prob?lem they have dur?ing their web?site pro?mo?tion. We are not the com?pany who believe that sug?ges?tion or tips should sell we believes to edu?cate peo?ples about SEO to make Indus?try more and more bet?ter. So if you also one among the mil?lions who are con?fused or need help feel free and ask us we don?t charge for it because build?ing rela?tion is much big?ger goal than earn?ing dol?lars for?us.

Our link build?ing ser?vices are designed to get the best return on your invest?ment. Work?ing across geo?graph?i?cal bound?aries, the Inter?net and its asso?ci?ated online busi?ness can only thrive in a bet?ter search engine rankings.

We send weekly reports for our all ser?vices by which you can check how, when and where links has been posted for website.

Our com?mit?ment to the link build?ing busi?ness excel?lence and cus?tomer ser?vice means that not only see results almost imme?di?ately, also ben?e?fit from the pur?pose and use link pop?u?lar?ity of our company?s sup?port and ser?vices which are spe?cially designed to improve your fur?ther devel?op?ment in online busi?ness. We are 100% com?mit?ted to your success.

We believe in rela?tion build?ing that?s why we main?tain a close rela?tion with our clients we use to release use?ful literature?s and newslet?ters con?tains use?ful tech?niques and tips which you can use to opti?mize your site. Sub?scribe for a free newslet?ter and get updated to our strate?gies and offers.

Our goal is to make your expe?ri?ence of SEO is just best. We always work harder to set the lead?er?ship and qual?ity of ser?vice stan?dards to pro?vide you the max?i?mum return of invest?ment promptly.

Our pro?fes?sional skills and ser?vices are ded?i?cated to mak?ing your goals into real?ity and to accom?plish it suc?cess?fully is just the only achieve?ment for?us.

What kind of results can you expect?

With Blurb?point, you can achieve any?thing you aim. We have worked in the words of the eas?i?est to the unimag?in?able. We know what it takes to pump a site to the top of the most com?pet?i?tive key?words in the indus?try and we know how to estab?lish lightly for smaller objects.

Our link build?ing pack?ages has devel?oped and designed with all users in mind, and if they are not exactly what you need, you can always con?tact us for some?thing Per?son?al?ized. In fact, we thrive on mak?ing sure that each cam?paign is as per?son?al?ized as nec?es?sary for your par?tic?u?lar busi?ness site, and the situation.

Con?tact us and one of our team mem?bers will be more than happy to dis?cuss your goals, where you are and what we have to do to reach the top. No restric?tions, how?ever, with?out any direct attached. Sim?ple and just what we like, as we do not want to waste time beat?ing around the bush, like some other link build?ing com?pa?nies?would.

About the author

Sanket Patel Author: San?ket Patel is co-founder of Blurb?point Media. I am a good researcher of Inter?net Mar?ket?ing, Brand Devel?op?ment, Online Rep?u?ta?tion Man?age?ment & Search Engine Opti?miza?tion Tech?niques. You can fol?low me at Google+.


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