Monday 29 July 2013

Zimbabwe Vice-President Mujuru On Urban Venture Projects

VP Mujuru on urban venture projects

Sunday, 28 July 2013 00:00
Sunday Mail Reporters

Zanu-PF will reintroduce urban development programmes if the party is given the mandate to govern during Wednesday?s harmonised elections, Vice-President Cde Joice Mujuru has disclosed.

Addressing rallies in Mufakose and Harare West constituencies in the capital yesterday, Cde Mujuru noted that service delivery in urban areas suffered greatly during the four years that the MDC-T was in charge of them.

She said the decision to cancel debts residents owe urban councils was not a political gimmick but a people-centred decision.

?The decision to cancel the debts shows that President Mugabe and the Zanu-PF party he leads are responsive to the needs of the urban people. It not a political a gimmick as alleged by some people.

?They said this when we embarked on the land reform programme but now they realise that the programme is irreversible and our party means its word.

?Once we get into government we will ensure that we will reintroduce urban development programmes, which had virtually stopped over the last four years because of the constant fighting in the unity government,? she said.

Before making her way to Harare Cde Mujuru had earlier in the day urged nearly 6 000 cadres at Vengere Stadium in Rusape to vote uniformly for the Zanu-PF presidential, parliamentary and council candidates.

?Let us give vaMugabe our X to rule Zimbabwe. We do not want to see variances in the voting patterns. If a ward has 2 000 Zanu-Pf supportters, we expect them to all vote for the Zanu PF councillor, MP and President Mugabe. Why should there be disparities. Where should the variances come from? Should there be variances, we will know kuti pane anenge atengesa,? said Cde Mujuru.

She urged Zanu-PF supporters to come out in huge numbers and finish off the MDC-T, a party she described as an appendage of the West.

?The West is against the pro-people policies being pursued by President Mugabe and they back the MDC-T in the hope of effecting regime change in Zimbabwe.

?They plotted to block President Mugabe?s vision because they knew that their future dominion of our resources would cease once the indigenisation drive was launched,? she said.


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