Thursday 10 January 2013

ZTE, European carrier teaming up on a Firefox OS phone for 2013

Firefox OS mystery phone

As much as we've heard about Firefox OS, there hasn't been a lot of talk about actual devices. We can put at least one major manufacturer on the list, however. ZTE's US chief Cheng Lixin tells Bloomberg that his company is working with an unspecified European carrier to ship a Mozilla-friendly phone sometime in 2013. It's a modest beginning, but Cheng notes that the OS could cross the Atlantic and reach the US this year if ZTE decides the platform is viable enough for the trip. Just what that that European phone involves is another matter -- it's unlikely that the mystery device we saw at CES represents ZTE's future hardware. Between this and TCL's commitment earlier this week, though, it's evident that Mozilla's platform is becoming a tangible reality.

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Via: The Next Web

Source: Bloomberg


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