Thursday 24 January 2013

Apple Retail Stores Do $6.44B Worth Of Sales In Q1 2013, Up From $6.12B Last Holiday Quarter

2058929337_ec6e70bb0d_zApple does well during the holidays, that’s something that’s become extremely obvious. The company has just announced that it did $6.4B in retail store sales, which is up from $6.12B in the last holiday quarter in 2012. The year before? $3.85B. That’s extreme growth, and introducing new products at the end of the year like the iPad mini certainly help those numbers climb. Also, retail sales are up from $4.2B in Q4 2012. The company sold 47.8M iPhones and 22.9M iPads overall in the quarter. Apple’s stock currently sits at $514.17, after some recent stutters. Right now, it’s down over 5% in after hours trading. Regarding this quarter, Apple CEO Tim Cook had this to say: We?re thrilled with record revenue of over $54 billion and sales of over 75 million iOS devices in a single quarter. We?re very confident in our product pipeline as we continue to focus on innovation and making the best products in the world. Here’s a look at Apple’s “Holiday Quarter” growth: The iPad mini absolutely had something to do with the growth in sales at retail stores. Much like the iPhone 5 in Q4 of last year, people stood in line to get their hands on the new device. Also, the stores frequently ran out of specific models, depending on which version that you wanted. That means that sales were strong, naturally. Apple did go through some rough times at the end of last year, parting ways with some senior level managers and having to deal with the embarrassment of a poor iOS Maps experience, but that certainly didn’t hurt the sales of its hardware. People enjoy going into an Apple store, and more importantly, get excited when one comes to their neighborhood. Whether it’s a store in a mall, or a standalone marvel like the ones in New York City, the Apple logo blazing with lights is significant. Great detail go into building these stores, as we learned late last year. Steve Jobs once famously said: Unless we could find ways to get our message to customers at the store, we were screwed. [Photo credit: Flickr]


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