Sunday 7 April 2013

He's Gay? No surprise - Empty Closets - A safe online community for ...

OMFG. I am SO GLAD that you shared this here on Empty Closets! I will try to be as non judgemental, and understanding as I possibly can with this guy, but just know; that I am on your side here. My ex boyfriend was EXACTLY like this, (only difference being of course, that he had to constantly convince me that he was undeniably and absolutely attracted to men) and despite all the insurmountable bullshit he put me through, with constant denial, and lying, that is just so exhausting and sickening; he still reels me in. I stayed in the relationship for a lot longer than was healthy, and REALLY, in hindsight; it was never healthy to begin with. Anyway, getting back to you here...I DON'T GIVE A FLYING F***, if he has an ultimate form of sexual addiction, is as horny and sexually promiscuous as a bull on Viagra, or is as bisexual as god damn David Bowie...NOTHING...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...excuse's what he has done to you, and what he has put you through!!!! OMG. I literally can feel your pain, feel your immense anger, and feel your disgust! This scenario is really raw for me, because of my own experience with my ex boyfriend. I think, he should have SORTED himself the F*** OUT; before beginning a relationship with you, and even worse; getting you pregnant and than taking off, to indulge his sexual promiscuity. GOD!!. This is why I really have an absolutely difficult time, in accepting bisexual people, who aren't authentic to themselves, and to everyone else, especially those that they are suppose to be loyal and committed too. And, if he is ACTUALLY gay, than the EXACT same rule and principle applies! SORT YOURSELF OUT, before hurting people, and causing untold damage, that NEVER had to be inflicted. Right now, I am so angry for you, and so disgusted in this man's deplorable behaviour, and treatment! I don't blame you at all, for keeping your child away from him, because he has ABSOLUTELY zero respect, and unconditional love, for the both of you!!! I wish I could do more to help you, honestly; but at least I can give you my viewpoint, of where I stand with this man, and with your situation! PLEASE, keep updating on this website, and you will find, it will REALLY help! Personally; I think you should..CUT HIM OFF completely, and leave him with your dignity in tact; before you justifiably murder him in the night! LOL

Last edited by BrokenGuy; Yesterday at 12:13 PM..


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