Friday 30 November 2012

'Monsters University' Posters Promote Higher Learning, Scaring

Mike Wazowski and James P. "Sulley" Sullivan have got plenty of school spirit when it comes to the University of Fear. A new poster for "Monsters University" shows the two monsters wearing letter jackets and hanging out with big smiles on their faces. Just like old "Monsters, Inc." times, except we already know that this [...]


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?If It Ain?t Broke Don?t Fix It?: EU Adds Its Voice To The Chorus Opposing More Internet Regulation Ahead Of Key ITU Dubai Meeting

ITUThe European Union today became the latest official body to back an open Internet, ahead of a important United Nations meeting to update Internet and telecoms regulation for the first time in 24 years. The International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency, is meeting in December in Dubai for the World Conference On International Telecommunications to revise the International Telecommunication Regulation treaty. In the lead up, several countries, and even some private companies, have been lobbying for changes that would see nations get more control of how the internet is used in their countries.


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Health-care providers can play critical role in reducing and preventing intimate partner violence

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? In a perspective article to appear in the Nov. 29 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health (BUSM and BUSPH) report that health-care providers can play a critical role in helping to reduce and prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) by screening and referring patients to appropriate resources.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a comprehensive report on the prevalence of sexual violence, stalking and IPV in the U.S. The report relays the alarming findings that 35.6 percent of women in the U.S. are raped, assaulted or stalked by intimate partners at some point during their lives, and approximately six percent experience these events in a given year. Men are also at risk: 28.5 percent report lifetime victimization and five percent report past year victimization. The annual health care costs for women who are experiencing ongoing IPV are 42 percent higher than those for non-abused women, and it has been estimated that the cost of providing health care to adult survivors of IPV ranges from $2.3 billion to $7 billion in the first year after the assault.

Now that the Affordable Care Act requires insurance coverage to include domestic violence screening of women, physicians are taking a new look at how they respond to patients who are domestic violence survivors. There are several steps doctors should take when patients report potential IPV, including acknowledging the admission of abuse. "We advise thanking the patient for trusting the provider with the information, and expressing concern about the patient's safety," explained lead author Jane Liebschutz, MD, MPH, FACP, an associate professor of medicine and social and behavioral sciences at BUSM and BUSPH respectively.

Other steps include: asking the patient if he or she would like to be connected to IPV advocacy services; offering the patient the National Domestic Violence hotline number; considering whether child protective services are required and screening the patient for co-morbid depression, anxiety and substance abuse.

According to Liebschutz, when a patient screens negative for IPV, but providers nevertheless suspect that they are experiencing abuse, it is important that the provider not force disclosure. "It is not critical that the patient acknowledges IPV victimization in order to receive a benefit from the screening. Having asked IPV-related questions signals to the patient that the provider is caring and concerned, trustworthy and willing to discuss the topic during a future visit," she added.

Finally, providers need not receive a positive screening response in order to provide universal education about IPV. "Even if a patient screens negative, providers are encouraged to state that many patients do experience IPV at some point, and that there are many resources to help people who feel unsafe in their relationships," said co-author Emily Rothman, ScD., an associate professor of community health services at BUSPH.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Boston University Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jane M. Liebschutz, Emily F. Rothman. Intimate-Partner Violence ? What Physicians Can Do. New England Journal of Medicine, 2012; 367 (22): 2071 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1204278

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Thursday 29 November 2012

Powerball jackpot advice: First pay taxes

1 day

What would you do with more than?half a billion dollars?

The web?is filled with fantasy stories about what kind of private jet or private island or yacht or diamond tiara you could buy if you win the jackpot in the upcoming Powerball drawing.

But going on a shopping binge would only turn any of these dreamers into the latest in a long line of ruined lottery winners. They would do better to follow the advice of experts who make a living advising the rich on how to preserve and manage their fortunes.

Here is their advice on what you should do with a $550 million jackpot.

Pay taxes. The first decision you?ll have to make is whether to take your prize in a lump sum or in multiple annual payments (usually spread over 20 years or more). Wealth advisers say the Powerball winner should opt for the lump sum ? partly for tax reasons, but also for planning. The lump sum for a $500 million jackpot would be about $327 million.

Lottery winnings are taxed as ordinary income. Since tax rates are likely to increase next year, you can take the lump sum now and pay this year?s lower tax rates. If the top rate goes to 39.6 percent from this year?s 35 percent, paying this year?s rate would save more than $16 million.?

11 crazy things more likely to happen than winning the Powerball jackpot

The estate tax is also likely to go up. So if you opted for annual payments, and you passed away ?before the payments were all made, the total value of your remaining payments could be subject to the higher estate tax.

Plus, advisers say, the lump sum can be put in a trust or other planning vehicle.

Make a gift. Under current tax law, couples can give $10 million as a gift, tax-free. After that the rate is 35 percent. Next year, barring a "fiscal cliff" deal between the White House and Congress, the lifetime gift-tax exclusion for couples goes from $10 million to $2 million and the rate goes to 55 percent.

So if you?re planning on sharing with friends and family, best to do it before Dec. 31.

Cool off. Sudden wealth has a way of ruining people lives, and there are plenty of stories of lottery winners going bankrupt, getting scammed by friends and fraudsters and going overboard with spending, drugs or other pleasures.

Related: Jackpot will only buy you misery

You can limit those risks by taking a ?cooling off? period. Once you get the check, advisers say you should put all the money into a low-risk money market fund or savings account and leave it alone.

Make a plan. Once the money is in the bank ?cooling off,? hire a financial adviser or wealth planner who will help you create a spending plan and investment plan. While most people can?t imagine blowing $327 million, it?s easier than it looks.

?You get a corporate jet and the crew, and you want to add couple of million-dollar homes and pretty soon you can exhaust it,? said Charles M. Aulino, director of financial planning for the Glenmede Trust Company. ?They need someone to walk them through the spending scenarios and know where those bookends are.?

Once you do that, and know your income needs, you can develop an investment plan. That, according to wealth advisers, should include the usual preservation-oriented mix of bonds, stocks and alternatives.

Then, and only then, can you go out and buy those 10 ?Ferraris and diamond tiaras for your friends.


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Green Blog: California Oyster Farm Must Go

Ken Salazar, the secretary of the interior, announced on Thursday that he would not extend the lease of an oyster farm in the Point Reyes National Seashore in Northern California, allowing the estuary there to become a wilderness area. In a statement, the secretary said, ?We are taking the final step to recognize this pristine area as wilderness.? Not long after the park was created, Congress in 1976 mandated that part of it be designated wilderness; the section included Drake?s Estero, a rich marine estuary that is also home to scores of seals. That is the site of the oyster farm owned by Drake?s Bay Oyster Company, whose lease from the National Park Service was set to expire tomorrow. A bitter controversy has swirled around the issue for more than five years, dividing local environmental activists and leading to several federal investigations of the park service?s science. Some of these found troubling lapses of judgment, but none found outright scientific misconduct.


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Vimeo revamps iOS app with new design, improved social sharing features

Vimeo revamps iOS app with new design, improved social sharing features

It's been nearly a year since Vimeo proudly went universal on iOS, and today the video service has rolled out its application's third major installment. Inside version 3.0, the iOS folk will find a redesigned app with a brand new "tab-based" design and a novel Feed video browser. That's not all, however, as Vimeo's also added the ability to natively share to both Twitter and Facebook, the option to manage vids on the Watch Later queue and a trait which lets users take advantage of background uploads. While most of today's release is filled with an array of video-friendly goods, some iOS users will be disappointed to hear that this new version nixes the editor feature -- however, according to Vimeo, "active" projects can still be downloaded and saved to the Camera Roll app. Those of you interested in checking it out can hit the link below to grab the updated app.


Via: TechCrunch

Source: iTunes (App Store)


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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Toxic couches? Flame retardants on the rise in furniture, study finds ...

Flame retardants in U.S. furniture are on the rise, with a new study finding them in nearly all couches tested.


The findings, published on Nov. 28, confirm that household furniture remains a major source of a variety of flame retardants, some of which have been building up in people?s bodies and in the environment.


In the new tests, three out of every four couches purchased before 2005 contained the chemicals, with a now-banned compound in 39 percent. For newer couches, about 94 percent contained flame retardants, nearly all next-generation compounds with little known about their potential health effects.


"More furniture appears to be treated with flame retardants today than, say, 15 years ago," said Heather Stapleton, an environmental chemist at Duke University and lead author of the project, which also included researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and Boston University.


In a separate study also published on Nov. 28, researchers found that dust in California homes is contaminated with levels of flame retardants that exceed health risk guidelines developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Some of the chemicals have been linked to cancer, altered hormones or neurological effects in lab animals, fetuses and children. Whether there are health risks from many of the newer flame retardants, however, is largely unknown, and most furniture does not carry labels that provide information to consumers.



The scientists discovered one chemical in sofas that had never been reported before as a flame retardant.


"There is little to no information about the potential health effects of these new flame retardants in the peer-reviewed literature," said Heather Patisaul of North Carolina State University, who studies endocrine-disrupting chemicals but was not involved in the research.


A spokesperson from the American Chemistry Council, which represents flame retardant manufacturers, said ?this study confirms what we would expect to find: Furniture manufacturers use approved flame retardants to meet established fire safety standards, which help save lives. There is no data in this study that indicate that the levels of flame retardants found would cause any human health problems."


The use of flame retardants is traced to a California standard adopted in the 1970s, which mandates that foam used in furniture cushions must withstand a 12-second exposure to a small, open flame. Because the market in California is so large, much of the nation's furniture is manufactured with flame retardants to meet that standard.


The scientists tested 102 couches purchased between 1985 and 2010 in the first study that has examined flame retardants that have come onto the market since 2005. The foam samples were not randomly selected, so the results might not represent the United States as a whole, the authors said in their article published in the journal Environmental Science and Toxicology.


In all, 85 percent contained flame retardants. In tests of couches purchased over the past seven years, the chemicals were even more prevalent: about 94 percent compared with 75 percent for those purchased between 1985 and 2004.


Tris, a suspected human carcinogen that was banned for use in baby pajamas in the 1970s, was the most prevalent compound in the couches; it was found in 41 percent.


The separate study from the Massachusetts-based Silent Spring Institute, published in the same journal, found two different mixtures of Tris in dust in each of the 16 California homes studied.


PentaBDE was found in 17 percent of the couches. The chemical was phased out in the United States in 2005 after studies showed it was building up rapidly in human breast milk. In the tests of couches purchased prior to 2005, PentaBDE was the most common flame retardant, at 39 percent.


Tris was found in 24 percent of sofas purchased before 2005. But in couches bought after that, it was found in 52 percent, showing that it has become increasingly popular since PentaBDE was phased out.


Before 2005, PentaBDEs and Tris, also known as TDCPP, were the only flame retardants used in U.S. furniture, Stapleton said. Since then, chemical companies have developed several replacements, and scientists have struggled to keep pace with studying their health risks.


"Today, we know of at least six different mixtures being used as flame retardants in furniture," Stapleton said. "And we know less about the health effects of these flame retardants compared to PBDEs and TDCPP."


Firemaster 550, made by Chemtura, was found in 18 percent of couches tested. In February the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency put two of Firemaster 550's key ingredients on a list for review due to potential health concerns.


Mixtures of different kinds of chemicals were found in 13 percent of couches from 2005 or later. One is known as TBPP, which the authors say is the first report of its use as a flame retardant.


"This study highlights the fact that there are several new flame retardant chemicals replacing PBDEs in consumer products, most of which we have little to no human health data, which is concerning," said Lesliam Quir?s-Alcal? of the University of California, Berkeley, who studies flame retardants in house dust but was not part of the new study.



By December, the last PBDE mixture in consumer products, DecaBDE, is scheduled for phase-out, but PBDEs will linger in older couches and in people.


"Given their environmental, and biological persistence, they are likely to join the legacy POPs [persistent organic pollutants], like PCBs and DDT, in being with us for the foreseeable future," said Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program.


Flame retardants are semi-volatile and do not stay in cushions. Toddlers and young children who crawl on the floor are highly exposed through dust. Research from Stapleton's lab has linked levels of PentaBDEs on toddlers? hands to the blood levels in their bodies.


Birnbaum said dust tainted by the couches and other household items is ?a major route of exposure to people."



"Low-income families may keep their furniture for longer, prolonging exposure to phased-out chemicals," Quir?s-Alcal? said.


Concentrations of the chemicals in couches averaged 4 to 5 percent by weight, but some couches had over 11 percent.


Ironically, these levels of flame retardants may not stop a house fire. "There is growing evidence that at the concentrations used in products, they are not protective against fires," Birnbaum said.


California is currently debating a new standard that would reduce the use of flame retardants in furniture.

Consumers hoping to avoid flame retardant-laced furniture are often left in the dark. Furniture manufacturers are often unable to say if their products contain flame retardants because foam padding comes from a vendor, who in turn buys chemicals used to treat it from yet another vendor. Precise information is often protected under law as proprietary.


A couch with a California TB 117 label indicates the presence of flame retardants, but a couch without such a label doesn't mean there are no flame retardants, the scientists found. Of couches without a label, 57 percent contained them.


"Consumers should be aware of what types of chemicals are replacing PBDEs so they can make informed choices when purchasing couches and other furniture," Patisaul said. "The free market system is a fundamental economic and philosophical pillar of our society that is usurped when consumers cannot effectively evaluate the chemical composition of what they are purchasing."



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Rovi is shutting down its OTA TV guide service without notice

Without notice, Rovi shuts down TV guide service

The company with so much love it changed its name to fool its fans is at it again, this time killing the signal that provides guide data directly to many televisions and set-top boxes. You see, before changing its name from Macrovision, Rovi acquired Gemstar-TV guide in 2008 -- which was probably most well known for the integrated program guide common in higher end TVs throughout the last decade. While most people just use the guide offered on their provider's set-top, this guide is for those who actually use the clear-QAM or over-the-air tuner in their TV. The way it worked is that manufacturers baked the software into the TV, which would then tune into a local affiliate's broadcast of a week's worth of guide data. The setup successfully made it through the digital transition -- minus the truckloads of analog-only TVs ceasing to work along the way -- as new TVs featured a digital version of the service, as well as some digital converters, like the DTVpal DVR.

Continue reading Rovi is shutting down its OTA TV guide service without notice

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Source: Twice, AVS Forum


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France to recognize Palestinian state at UN

PARIS (AP) ? France announced Tuesday that it plans to vote in favor of recognizing a Palestinian state at the U.N. General Assembly this week.

With the announcement, France becomes the first major European country to come out in favor, dealing a setback to Israel. The timing of the announcement appears aimed at swaying other European nations.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told parliament that France has long supported Palestinian ambitions for statehood and "will respond 'Yes'" when the issue comes up for a vote "out of a concern for coherency."

The Palestinians say the assembly is likely to vote Thursday on a resolution raising their status at the U.N. from an observer to a nonmember observer state, a move they believe is an important step toward a two-state solution with Israel. A Palestinian state would still not be a full General Assembly member, however.

Unlike the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the General Assembly and the resolution is virtually certain of approval. But such a vote by France ? a permanent council member ? could weigh on decisions in other European capitals.

Europe is divided over the issue. Switzerland will likely vote "yes" and Germany is expected to vote "no." Britain's position remains unclear.

Palestinians say they are doing this out of frustration over the four-year deadlock in peace efforts. They believe an endorsement of their state will bolster their negotiating position.

Israel strongly opposes the bid, accusing the Palestinians of trying to bypass negotiations. The resolution would endorse a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, the territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel opposes a pullback to the 1967 lines.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said France's decision wouldn't change the U.S. assessment of the Palestinian action as a "mistake."

"With regard to France and any other countries, we obviously disagree with our oldest ally on this issue," she told reporters. "They know that we disagree with them. But it's their sovereign decision."

As French lawmakers applauded Tuesday? many of them members or allies of the Socialist-led government ? Fabius cautioned against raising Palestinian hopes too high.

"But, but, but, but, but ? but at the same time, madame and monsieur lawmakers, we must show in this case a lot of lucidity," he said.

"On the one hand, because the text is currently being discussed, and I myself had (Palestinian) President Mahmoud Abbas on the phone yesterday morning," he said. "On the other hand, because ? let's not hide from this ? that this question will be asked at a very delicate moment."

He went on to note the "fragile cease-fire" after the recent deadly fighting between Hamas and Israel, the Israeli election in January, and the upcoming "change in composition of the American administration" ? with the United States seen by many as perhaps the most pivotal player in the region.

"In any case, it's only through negotiations ? that we ask for without conditions and immediately between the two sides ? that we will be able to reach the realization of a Palestinian state," Fabius said.


Associated Press writer Bradley Klapper contributed from Washington, D.C.


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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Psy's 'Gangnam Style' Beats Bieber For YouTube Crown

'We kept on focusing on to be ridiculous as possible,' Psy says about the concept for the hit that has racked up 826 million views.
By Gil Kaufman

Photo: MTV


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Flight conducts 'go around' after another plane blocks runway

1 day

A Delta flight operated by Pinnacle Airlines was set to land in Cincinnati on Saturday when it pulled up because of another plane that had not yet cleared the runway.

Delta Connection Flight 3972 from St. Louis had been cleared for landing Saturday evening at Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport, said Pinnacle Airlines spokesperson Joe Williams.

Air traffic control directed pilots of the CRJ-200?jet?to "go around" and return for a landing, Williams said. The plane landed?safety?and without incident at 7:32 p.m. ET.

"It was a routine missed approach," said FAA spokesperson Kathleen Bergen. "It was not an incident. It was a safe, routine procedure."

Passenger Patrick Steitz, of Laurel, Md.,?was among the 49 passengers on?board and?told The Associated Press?the pilot explained to them what happened over the loudspeaker. Passengers?were relieved the plane didn't attempt to land, he said.


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More Online Marketing Advice That Will Maxmize Your Profits ...

TIP! Provide free gifts to go along with purchases of your services and/or products to help customers feel respected. Many times, making sure customers are taken care of is left off the list of strategies in Internet marketing.

If you are really serious about success, you have to be really serious with your efforts in Internet promotion. It simply can?t be avoided. Your company could rise or fall based solely on your whether you have implemented a sound Internet marketing strategy. Ahead are some great suggestions for building a successful Website marketing plan that will lock in your success.

TIP! Entice your customers with discounts for shopping with you. For example, you can offer your customers a 10 percent discount on all orders over $200.

Consider marketing your website as some sort of social club or gathering rather than a simple business website. Facebook and other forms of social media have shown us that people like to communicate. This will also keep people interested in your site. Make membership special by offering widgets that link back to your site as part of the membership package. This is a fabulous way to advertise.

TIP! Always include your keywords in your internal links. Keep your viewers on your site by giving them links to other informational content you have on your site.

Web marketing needs to be taken seriously and researched well. This will help you to find someone to admire and emulate, in a sense. Many of these same people have advice columns or will advise you personally for a fee. When choosing a system for internet marketing, make sure it suits your work style. Success may come slowly at first, but over time you will become better at affiliate marketing.

TIP! You should include a page that has information or videos about the product you are selling. Having information like this about the product available will make people feel more comfortable making the purchase.

Post a video of yourself using the product you?re selling. This allows the customer to see you utilizing the product. Demonstrate all the features of your products and test them extensively. For maximum exposure, post your video on Youtube, your website, blog and any niche forums that allow video submissions.

TIP! It is important to include mobile marketing in your business plan. A great option is to offer texts when there are specials from your site for people to see.

Take advantage of social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter and integrate them into your marketing strategy. These sites allow you to stay in constant touch with your customers, and allow an easy way to contact them to let them know about promotions or updates. Just be sure not to promote too much with tweets and comments. Instead, be sure to provide your readers with posts that are helpful and insightful.

TIP! Try to include a variety of specials available only to people who purchase when they are checking out. For instance, a customer may add one of three specified products to the order at half-price as a ?thank-you? for their business.

To make your internet business a success, take the time to evaluate the competition. Check out what other businesses are doing, and see what improvements they need to make. Find out what areas of service your competition doesn?t provide that you do and highlight these differences on your site.

TIP! Empowering your customers to feel that they make a difference to your business helps them feel invested and valued as a customer. This is an effective marketing strategy.

Start off your website marketing efforts on the small side. Having a reasonably large site is good, but search engines are more likely to rank your site well if it has around ten or twenty thousand pages.

TIP! Your internet marketing plan can include a well-written, public relations page about your business. Add articles that could be used in magazines and newspapers.

Blog frequently to make good use of affiliate marketing. A continuing blog also stands as testament to the enduring value of your products. In addition, you will eventually attract more visitors to your website because you are, in effect, expanding the reach of your website and increasing your search engine rating.

TIP! A frequently asked questions section on your webpage can help you solve the most common customer problems while promoting your products. Ask and answer relevant questions, and incorporate your products into some of your answers.

When promoting your business with online marketing, carefully monitor the information you are offering consumers. The content should be valuable to your customers, and it should be different from content on other sites. You want to put new content on your website so that visitors can learn something new.

TIP! Most advertisements that are short and sweet get the most attention, and therefore are the most successful. Emphasize how little time is needed to place an order, how fast the order is shipped, or how quickly they can expect to see results from the use of your product or service.

One interesting way of doing internet marketing for your site is taking advantage when it comes to image searches. When you add relevant pictures to your site, you will be able to get visitors who are searching for the photos you provide. Visitors who might just be looking for information sometimes end up looking through your site. That makes you more popular and breeds familiarity for your brand.

TIP! Encourage new visitors to your site with a $1 promotion. This will build a ton of buzz for your business.

It is important to use descriptive captions with any images or pictures that you post. The text in these descriptions should include keywords that are relevant to your site in order to increase your search engine results. Giving all of your images appropriate, descriptive captions can make a noticeable difference in your search engine results page standing.

TIP! Use vivid language and images to catch people?s attention. Pad your descriptions with enticing adjectives.

Learn how to use HTML tags. Your important content is indicated by these tags and will be displayed in bold. Search engines see this emphasized content and give it more weight when judging the quality and relevance of your page. Use these tags wisely, and make sure to emphasize the keywords you really want to promote.

TIP! If you?re trying to gain more views on your website, and do better in search engine results, you have to provide unique and original content. Customers want to visit the best website that will fill their needs, and successful websites offer something different from their competitor?s websites.

The database that utilizes customer relationship management software ensures that your Website marketing strategies are more successful. It can help you see past successes and guide you in the ways that your business and marketing strategies should be going. Then, you can tailor your communications to showcase accessories or products that are similar to those that customers have already bought from your business.

TIP! Do you offer a reward system for people who regularly buy your products? This will help you establish a good image for your company and get your customers to order more than once. This is they type of business practice that will drum up chatter about you.

Marketing on the Internet is essential to any business today that wants to be successful. Anyone doing business online can not afford to ignore it. You can make sure your firm maintains a strong Internet presence by taking advantage of these hits and using the art of Website marketing.



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Fetal alcohol exposure affects brain structure in children

ScienceDaily (Nov. 25, 2012) ? Children exposed to alcohol during fetal development exhibit changes in brain structure and metabolism that are visible using various imaging techniques, according to a new study being presented November 25 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Alcohol use by expectant mothers can lead to problems with the mental and physical development of their children -- a condition known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Research suggests an incidence of 0.2 to 1.5 per 1,000 live births, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Costs for care of individuals affected by fetal alcohol syndrome in the U.S. have been estimated at $4 billion annually.

Advancements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are affording unprecedented insights into the effects of alcohol on the central nervous systems of children whose mothers drank alcohol during their pregnancy. Recently, researchers in Poland used three different MRI techniques to better define these effects.

The study group included 200 children who were exposed to alcohol during their fetal stage and 30 children whose mothers did not drink while pregnant or during lactation. Researchers used MRI to evaluate the size and shape of the corpus callosum, the bundle of nerve fibers that forms the major communication link between the right and left halves of the brain, in the two groups. Prenatal alcohol exposure is the major cause of impaired development or complete absence of the corpus callosum.

The MRI results showed statistically significant thinning of the corpus callosum in the children exposed to alcohol compared with the other group.

"These changes are strongly associated with psychological problems in children," said Andrzej Urbanik, M.D., chair of the Department of Radiology at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

Dr. Urbanik and colleagues also used diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) to study six areas of the central nervous system in the children. DWI maps the diffusion process of water and can be a more sensitive means than traditional MRI for detecting tissue abnormalities.

Children in the alcohol group exhibited statistically significant increases in diffusion on DWI compared with the other children.

"The increase of diffusion indicates neurological disorders or damage to the brain tissue," Dr. Urbanik said.

To noninvasively study metabolism in the brains of the children, the researchers used proton (hydrogen) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HMRS), a common adjunct to structural MRI studies. HMRS results showed a complex collection of metabolic changes.

"In individual cases, we found a high degree of metabolic changes that were specific for particular locations within the brain," Dr. Urbanik said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Radiological Society of North America.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday 26 November 2012

Pro-settler Israeli hardliners sweep Netanyahu party vote

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Pro-settler hardliners swept a vote on Monday held by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, effectively tossing four of his closest allies and backers of Middle East diplomacy off a list of candidates running with him in a January 22 election.

Party members ranked candidates on a list for the national poll to determine which of dozens already nominated could actually be elected to parliament.

The top 15 chosen, or those most likely to become or be re-elected as lawmakers, overwhelmingly included ultra-right champions of Jewish settlement on land Palestinians want for a state.

Netanyahu is predicted to win re-election in the national election in two months' time. But being surrounded by more hardline lawmakers than previously could toughen his policies on such issues as Iran's nuclear program which Israel has vowed to stop, and diplomacy with the Palestinians, already frozen since 2010.

The main losers in Monday's vote or those who garnered too few votes from some 100,000 party faithful to guarantee re-election, were Dan Meridor, Benjamin Begin, son of late Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and Avraham Dichter, in addition to Michael Eitan, a rare civil libertarian in Likud.

Among the winners were ex-general Moshe Yaalon, currently a minister for strategic affairs, seen as a possible successor to the more moderate Ehud Barak as defense minister.

"With such extremists Netanyahu could have problems," Roni Milo, a former Likud cabinet minister, quipped in a video interview with Ynet's news Web site.

Netanyahu, though, had no immediate comment.

Likud's balloting had been fraught with tension, also for technical reasons when computer malfunctions forced the vote to stretch into a second day.

Left-wing and centrist parties in Israel assailed Likud's candidate rankings. The centrist Kadima party headed by former general Shaul Mofaz charged in a statement the right-wing party he also once belonged to "has now lost its way and been swayed to the extreme margins of the political map".

(Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan; Editing by Jon Hemming)


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Sunday 25 November 2012

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Efficacy of Tai Chi exercises versus physical therapy exercises in fall ...

Efficacy of supervised Tai Chi exercises versus conventional physical therapy exercises in fall prevention for frail older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Disabil Rehabil. 2012 Nov 20; Authors: Tousignant M, Corriveau H, Roy PM, Desrosiers J, Dubuc N, H?bert R Abstract Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of supervised Tai Chi exercises versus the conventional physical therapy exercises in a personalized rehabilitation program in terms of the incidence and severity of falls in a frail older population. Method: The participants were frail older adults living in the community, admitted to the day hospital program in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada (n = 152). They were randomized to receive a 15-week intervention, either by supervised Tai Chi exercises (n = 76) or conventional physical therapy (n = 76). Fall incidence and severity were assessed using both the calendar technique and phone interviews once a month during 12 months following the end of the intervention. Other variables were collected at baseline to compare the two groups: age, comorbidity, balance, sensory interaction on balance, and self-rated health. Results: Both interventions demonstrated a protective effect on falls but Tai Chi showed a greater one (RR = 0.74; 95% CI = 0.56-0.98) as compared to conventional physical therapy exercises.

Conclusions: Supervised Tai Chi exercises as part of a rehabilitation program seem to be a more effective alternative to the conventional physical therapy exercises for this specific population.

[Box: see text]. PMID: 23167499 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Source: Pubmed



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Inquiry Sought in Death in Ireland After Abortion Was Denied ...

DUBLIN ? India?s ambassador here has agreed to ask Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland for an independent inquiry into the death of an Indian-born woman last month after doctors refused to perform an abortion when she was having a miscarriage, the lawyer representing the woman?s husband said Thursday.

The lawyer, Gerard O?Donnell, also said crucial information was missing from the files he had received from the Irish Health Service Executive about the death of the woman, Savita Halappanavar, including any mention of her requests for an abortion after she learned that the fetus would not survive.

The death of Dr. Halappanavar, 31, a dentist who lived near Galway, has focused global attention on the Irish ban on abortion.

Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar, has refused to cooperate with an investigation being conducted by the Irish health agency. ?I have seen the way my wife was treated in the hospital, so I have no confidence that the H.S.E. will do justice,? he said in an interview on Wednesday night on RTE, the state television broadcaster. ?Basically, I don?t have any confidence in the H.S.E.?

In a tense debate in the Irish Parliament on Wednesday evening, Robert Dowds of the Labour Party said Dr. Halappanavar?s death had forced politicians ?to confront an issue we have dodged for much too long,? partly because so many Irish women travel to Britain for abortions.

?The reality is that if Britain wasn?t on our doorstep, we would have had to introduce abortion legislation years ago to avoid women dying in back-street abortions,? he said.

After the debate, the Parliament voted 88 to 53 against a motion introduced by the opposition Sinn Fein party calling on the government to allow abortions when women?s lives are in danger and to protect doctors who perform such procedures.

The Irish president, Michael D. Higgins ? who is restricted by the Constitution from getting involved in political matters ? also made a rare foray into a political debate on Wednesday, saying any inquiry must meet the needs of the Halappanavar family as well as the government.

In 1992, the Irish Supreme Court interpreted the current law to mean that abortion should be allowed in circumstances where there was ?a real and substantial risk to the life of the mother,? including the threat of suicide. But that ruling has never been codified into law.

?The current situation is like a sword of Damocles hanging over us,? Dr. Peter Boylan, of the Irish Institute of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told RTE last week. ?If we do something with a good intention, but it turns out to be illegal, the consequences are extremely serious for medical practitioners.?

Dr. Ruth Cullen, who has campaigned against abortion, said that any legislation to codify the Supreme Court ruling would be tantamount to allowing abortion on demand and that Dr. Halappanavar?s death should not be used to make that change.

Dr. Halappanavar contracted a bacterial blood infection, septicemia, and died Oct. 28, a week after she was admitted to Galway University Hospital with severe back pains. She was 17 weeks pregnant but having a miscarriage and was told that the fetus ? a girl ? would not survive. Her husband said she asked several times for an abortion but was informed that under Irish law it would be illegal while there was a fetal heartbeat, because ?this is a Catholic country.?


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Syrian jets blast rebels in Damascus suburb

AMMAN/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian warplanes bombed a Damascus suburb on Wednesday in a push to dislodge rebels from a stronghold that threatens President Bashar al-Assad's hold on the capital, opposition activists said.

Heavy fighting also raged in other outskirts of the city in the most serious challenge to Assad's seat of power in months.

In Brussels, NATO envoys were considering a request by Turkey to deploy Patriot missiles its territory to defend itself against any Syrian attacks.

Even though the measure is aimed at preventing a spill-over of the 20-month-old conflict into Syria's neighbors, it signaled a creeping internationalization of the conflict.

After months of slow progress, the rebels have in the last few weeks captured several army positions on the outskirts of Damascus and outlying regions, including a special forces base near Aleppo, Syria's commercial hub, and an air defense position near Damascus's southern gate.

Assad's opponents are also gaining support internationally with a new coalition of opposition and rebel groups seeking recognition as the legitimate voice of the Syrian people.

Shashank Joshi of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London said the developments of the last few weeks were shifting the balance in favor of the rebels.

"The use of the world 'stalemate' to describe the conflict may no longer be appropriate," he told Reuters by phone. "The rebels have moved up the ladder of warfare."

On Wednesday, MiG fighter jets launched a second day of raids on the opposition-held suburb of Daraya, set in farmland near the main southern highway, where rebels have been battling elite Republican Guard units.

Live footage broadcast by the opposition on the Internet showed heavy smoke rising from a built-up area in Daraya and carried the sound of automatic gun fire.

The pro-government al-Ekhbariya television said the army had begun a campaign to "cleanse" Daraya of what it described as terrorists, and showed troops on the edge of the town. Activists reported 23 people killed in two days.

But rebels and activists suggested Assad's forces were finding it harder to dislodge the rebels than when they last entered the suburb in August.

A government offensive to oust Free Syrian Army fighters from Daraya then killed 1,000 people after rebels took over the town, established a local administration and began attacking loyalist targets in Damascus, according to opposition sources.

"The military picture seems to have changed since August. The regime is sending troops under tank and air cover but they have not really advanced into Daraya," activist Abu Kinan said by phone from the town.

"Last time the rebels made a decision to withdraw after the army's bombing killed a large number of civilians. There are civilians left in Daraya but the bulk had fled and the fighters are holding their ground," he said.

The official SANA news agency said that "terrorists" - a term it uses for rebels - had attacked shops and homes in Daraya, as well as a mosque.


Fawaz Tello, a veteran opposition campaigner, said the fact that the rebels have recaptured Daraya and are fending off Assad's best forces indicates a change on the ground.

"The rebels' military position is still difficult, but it is improving."

Fighting was also reported in Damascus's eastern suburb of Irbin, where rebels said they had destroyed one tank and killed two Republican Guards. Irbin is one of many Sunni Muslim suburbs in the farmland around Damascus known as al-Ghouta.

"The whole eastern Ghouta is basically a liberated area. Assad's army still has superior firepower, but is being eroded. It can no longer push forward with a lot of troops," said Abu Ghazi, an activist-turned-fighter in Irbin.

Severe restrictions on non-state media make it impossible to verify such reports independently.

So far Assad's core military units, composed mainly of members of his Alawite minority sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, have prevented a rebel push into the capital itself.

But Tello said the rebels were gaining strength in Damascus, partly because they were being joined by fighters from outlying regions. He pointed to guerrilla attacks in the last few days near Damascus Airport and expanding rebel control of the mixed urban and farmland regions around Damascus, although Assad's forces controlled the main road junctions.

RUSI's Joshi said anti-aircraft weapons looted from military bases would blunt what is the government's most important weapon - air power.

These advances, he said, "are all a symptom of tactical improvements. The more they fight, the better they get".

NATO ambassadors meanwhile were considering a Turkish request to deploy Patriot missiles on its territory.

The move followed talks between Ankara and NATO allies about how to shore up security on the 900-km (560-mile) border with Syria after mortar rounds landed on Turkish territory.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, whose country is one of three to have the system, said he approved Turkey's request. The Dutch government said it was considering it.

In Dubai, members of the new opposition coalition appealed to foreign governments and private investors to raise the $60 billion that they said would be needed to rebuild Syria from the ruins of the war.

The funds will mainly be used to support the Syrian currency, rebuild destroyed housing projects and pay public sector wages, Osama al-Qadi, a member of the Syrian Economic Task Force, told Reuters at an investment conference in Dubai.

An estimated 38,000 people have been killed in Syria since an Arab Spring-inspired uprising against Assad began in March last year.

Turkey, Gulf Arab states and Western powers have all called for Assad - whose family has ruled Sunni Muslim-majority Syria for four decades - to relinquish power. Assad counts on the support of long-time ally Russia and Shi'ite Iran.

(Editing by Angus MacSwan)


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Friday 23 November 2012

Analysis: China car market may require "Two Fords"

DETROIT (Reuters) - Six years ago, the "One Ford" mantra saved Ford Motor Co from collapse. Now, Chief Executive Alan Mulally's unified global product strategy is facing a formidable test: winning over first-time Chinese buyers such as Zhang Haifeng.

The 42-year-old teacher has seen his pay jump 27-fold over the last two decades, as China expanded its compulsory education system. After studying his options for a year, Zhang in April paid 70,000 yuan ($11,200) for his first car - General Motors Co's Baojun 630 sedan.

"In the end, I thought Baojun was the most cost-effective, and best suited for ordinary people like me," he said.

China, the world's largest auto market, is the one country where GM trounces Ford. Competition there will intensify in the next three to five years, and analysts say Ford still is bogged down by expensive vehicles and an incoherent brand identity.

GM and Volkswagen AG have dominated the Chinese market in part by developing models tailored to local tastes, using older platforms, or creating low-cost brands with local partners, such as GM's Baojun.

Ford has resisted such moves, choosing instead to build global cars designed mainly in Europe. The rationale is that a global platform allows Ford to quickly build cars that can be sold around the world with just a few tweaks. The cost savings can be huge and can be reinvested in improving car technology.

The "One Ford" strategy, however, has had mixed success in China. Neither the Fiesta subcompact nor the Focus compact have broken into the top 10 vehicles in their respective segments this year, LMC Automotive data shows, although the Focus nameplate has made inroads in the market in recent months.

Wooing Chinese consumers with attractive, affordable cars is crucial if Ford is to meet its target of doubling its 3 percent China market share by mid-decade. The company now is developing what it describes as a "Value B" car, which is Ford's first attempt at a sub-$10,000 compact for the Chinese market.

"It's so important to have more products at different price points in order to grow the volume and grow the share," Joe Hinrichs, who has led Ford's Asian and African operations for three years, said in an interview earlier in November.

Over the next three years, Ford will also expand its product range to 15 vehicles from the current five, as well as launch its upscale Lincoln brand in China. Next year, Ford will add several sport-utility vehicles, including the global Kuga and Ecosport crossovers, which analysts say will help Ford gain further traction in the fastest growing segment in China.

"We shouldn't have to use historical legacy platforms," Hinrichs said. "The Figo in India we have done on a legacy platform out of Germany, and it's been a great vehicle for us, but you won't see us do that again because we have now our global strategy.".

Since 2006, Ford has poured around $5 billion into China, aiming to boost production capacity to 1.2 million vehicles and double the number of dealers by 2015.

Still, some analysts express concern that Ford may not succeed in the region unless Mulally is willing to deviate from his "One Ford" strategy. The new low-cost compact for China also will be based on a global platform, executives said.

"By Ford's own standards, these investments are aggressive," said Ashvin Chotai, managing director of Intelligence Automotive Asia.

"But it's not going to make a big dent in China," he added. "There needs to be flexibility around their global strategy to make it effective in China."


Mulally's "One Ford" plan helped avert bankruptcy in 2009, and the company is drawing from the same playbook to restructure its European operations, which are expected to lose at least $3 billion over the next two years.

Under "One Ford," overall product development became two-thirds more efficient from 2006 to 2012, Ford has said.

Mulally's insistence on developing global cars harkens back to Henry Ford's Model T, which was exported around the world in 1913. The 1915 model sold for just over $700 in China, at a time when rivals were charging around $2,000.

But Ford's fortunes in the country waned after the automaker bypassed an offer from modern China's founder, Sun Yat-sen, to help the country build an indigenous auto industry in 1924.

Nearly a century later, Ford's brand identity is one obstacle in China, said Shaun Rein, author of "The End of Cheap China" and a corporate consultant in the country. The high cost of Ford's lineup is another hurdle.

The Fiesta, Ford's cheapest model, starts at $12,300. About one-fifth of China vehicle sales this year were priced less than $12,000, according to J.D. Power and Associates.

Earlier this year it launched the global Focus compact car in China and positioned its older, or "classic", Focus toward incoming buyers. The combined sales of both models reached 33,614 in October, making it the top-selling nameplate in passenger cars in China, according to IHS Automotive.

Next year, Ford will launch the Fiesta-based Ecosport compact, which will be the lowest-priced SUV in its portfolio.

Ford also plans to introduce "several low-cost models," including the "Value B" compact, by 2015, according to Dave Schoch, who will become president of Ford's Asia Pacific operations on December 1.

"We recognize that we've played at this higher end and we have a huge opportunity to expand our segment coverage in the market," he said in an August interview.

Next year, more than 65 million people in China will have annual incomes of at least 60,000 yuan ($9,600), the point at which they can afford a simple, no-frills car, according to U.S. consultant Alix Partners.

Ford executives said the new "Value B" car will rival the 57,000 yuan ($9,100) Chevrolet Sail, a subcompact designed, developed and manufactured in China by GM and its partners. The Sail is the second-best selling vehicle in China.

To make this possible, Ford is broadening its local supply base to cut costs and boost margins for low-cost models, executives said. Schoch said he worries if Ford is moving quickly enough in China.

"Are we moving the organization fast enough to take advantage of this? Let's face it. We're pretty slow sometimes," he said.

($1 = 6.2326 Chinese yuan)

(Reporting by Deepa Seetharaman; Additional reporting by Norihiko Shirouzu and Hui Li in Beijing, and Ben Klayman in Detroit; Editing by Tiffany Wu, Steve Orlofsky and Sofina Mirza-Reid)


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Thursday 22 November 2012

Amazon Instant Video is live on the Nintendo Wii U

Amazon Instant Video is live on Nintendo Wii U

When the Wii U launched we were disappointed that not all of its promised streaming video services were available, but today the last one, Amazon Instant Video, has been turned on. It includes access to Prime subscription video, Whispersync bookmarks from other devices, watchlists and has the ability to rent or purchase VOD directly from the console. Like the Hulu and Netflix apps, it also includes second screen integration with the GamePad controller. Owners can hit the source link for more information on how to activate it on their box.

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