Wednesday 17 October 2012

Video: Armstrong resigns as Livestrong chairman

>>> and lance armstrong 's fall from grace taking another big development with events with his cancer charity and big name sponsors. our report from ann thompson.

>> reporter: though he has yet to admit to doping, lance armstrong will pay the price, stepping down from his charity promoting cancer work. one of the bracelets was worn by a man in this shop, who lost his grandmother to cancer.

>> i don't support him as an athlete, i think he should come clean.

>> reporter: the second blow came from nike , ending their contract with arm armstrong , saying there was insurmountable evidence that armstrong doped. others defended him in ads as recently as 2009 .

>> the critics say i'm arrogant, a doper.

>> reporter: nike has stood by other athletes, tiger woods during remarks about his a adultery. and the yankees, alex rodriguez admitted using performance-enhancing drugs. but the report about armstrong last week was too much.

>> it is almost like the sort of bullying or intimidation, that i think pushed it over the ledge, where people say even though this guy has a story that inspires, he is not going to associate with our brand anymore.

>> reporter: at the headquarters in alwaustin, the ceo says the doping incident has been a distraction.

>> we spent a lot more time than we hoped or ever dreamed we would be. but the fact of the matter, since august 23rd , we have served 16% more people with cancer.

>> reporter: he says donations are up by a quarter of a million.

>> i am a little tired of the whole thing.

>> reporter: one spokesperson, which honored him in 2007 and partnered on a survivorship event, says the focus should be on beating cancer. in fact, nike and noibz anheuser-busch, says they would continue to support.

>> most importantly, it changed the way we looked at cancer, from a death sentence as to a disease we can survive. tonight, that is the challenge facing the livestrong charity.

>> ann thompson, thank you for your reporting.


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