Sunday 21 October 2012

The wonders of do-it-yourself | Think Tank

I?ve seen free and low cost web sites and I wonder why any effort was put into these at all. These sites make me wonder if the rest of their business is as quickly and haphazardly put together. I wonder if maybe in some strange way that?s how they want their brand to be perceived. I wonder if something is better than nothing. But I?ve never had to wonder how much money they saved. I do however, wonder about how much money they?ve lost by doing it on the cheap.

Maybe they hired their 16 year old to ?put something together.? That same kid that can?t even clean her own room is now the web master. It makes me wonder.

Recently, I saw a promotion for a do-it-yourself web site class. It touted, if not actually guaranteed, how the attendees would ?walk out with a complete money making web site.? Which really makes me wonder, since it?s usually the business and the need for its products or services that will make the money. While a well-designed web site for a business, would help inform people about what is available and why they may want or need it, or the site could possibly facilitate a sale of what the business is offering.

But sign up for a 4-session class on how to build a basic web site and come out with a complete silver-bullet-all-my-dreams-come-true money making web site??? Wow!

As one of the owners of a professional creative services business, which has offered web site design, graphic design, social media services and other marketing and branding solutions for over 15 years, I had to wondered what I was missing.

Being a sucker for fiction, I kept reading the promotion. It went on to discredit the professional designer in no uncertain terms. You know, those pesky professional people who; do this for a living, study and stay up on the trends, are trained in graphic design, trained in web technology, approach each project in a profession manner, research their client?s business along with their industry, products and offerings, understand the many components that may be involved in a web site solution, strategize about the site?s functionality and usability, propose a custom solution based on the client?s budget, have years of experience creating functional brand-enhancing sites for those business and non-profits who are serious about their reputation and how they are represented both online and off.

In the promo piece, the discredit/snub, or rather the underlying venomous hatred for professional web designers, went something like this: ?Stop paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars to some one to build your web site, when you can just as easily do it yourself.? Making professionals sound like a bunch of out-of-town-hucksters.

No doubt people may learn a thing or two about building simple web site in a few short sessions, but so many things were said, promised and insinuated in that little promotional piece that I no longer needed to wonder where the snake-oil was being peddled. From where I stand, the professional web designers and established creative services businesses certainly are not the ones serving up the B.S.-elixir.

Don?t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing things your self (if it makes sense). As a small business we understand the need to save money, roll up your sleeves and give it a go. But we also understand the value of investing in professional services.

Most successful business folks know when to stick to their own knitting and when it is more beneficial to hire those companies, people and services who are better skilled, more knowledgeable, and can complete the project in a more professional manner. These successful businesses invest in their brand and they understand the value of a professional.? This I find wonderful.



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