Wednesday 31 October 2012

?Pregnancy brain? ? what did you forget? | BabyCenter Blog

You?re going about your seemingly normal day, when suddenly you can?t find the tv remote. You search the sofa cushions, under the sofa, glare at the dog, and finally give up and wait for your partner to come home and look harder. Time for dinner! You open the freezer and?there?s the missing remote. So where?s the ice cream you were having earlier?? Oh. In the oven. Of course.

?Pregnancy brain?. I?ve experienced it. All my family and friends have as well. They can be embarrassing but they can also just be funny as heck!

Being forgetful in pregnancy is nothing new. But for every mother, her own experiences are unique!

In our January 2013 birth club, some members shared their ?pregnancy brain? moments:

gbrahm- I burned french toast twice in a row ? the first time because I forgot to turn the heat down on the burner and the second time because I forgot that I forgot to turn the heat down on the burner. :-/ My hubby laughed pretty hard at that one.

pennylane87- My boss?s wife had been calling me Tina by mistake the other day. (Tina is the name of the client that my boss?s wife and I were talking about.) When I wrote an email TO Tina, I almost sent it, signed ?Sincerely, Tina.? ?I got confused about my own damn name.

graciebb- I tried to put the ice cream away on top of the freezer and I spent forever trying to figure out why the clothes in the washer were wet after getting done washing lol

And I think my favorite:

prouddmami2be- I just made a grilled cheese sandwich and forgot the cheese :/

These are the times we look back and laugh and nod knowingly at the next pregnant mama who forgets the cheese.

What have you forgotten while in the throes of ?pregnancy brain??

Photo: Flickr/mastermaq


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Former “Cheers” Star George Wendt Hospitalized With Chest Pains

George Wendt, the actor who played the lovable bar patron Norm Peterson on the long-running sitcom “Cheers”, was rushed to the hospital over the weekend [...]

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Obama gets first-hand look at storm devastation

President Barack Obama is greeted by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie upon his arrival at Atlantic City International Airport, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, in Atlantic City, NJ. Obama traveled to region to take an aerial tour of the Atlantic Coast in New Jersey in areas damaged by superstorm Sandy, (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama is greeted by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie upon his arrival at Atlantic City International Airport, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, in Atlantic City, NJ. Obama traveled to region to take an aerial tour of the Atlantic Coast in New Jersey in areas damaged by superstorm Sandy, (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Marine One, carrying President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, take an aerial tour of the Atlantic Coast in New Jersey in areas damaged by superstorm Sandy, Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Doug Mills, Pool)

The view of storm damage over the Atlantic Coast in Seaside Heights, N.J., Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, from a helicopter traveling behind the helicopter carrying President Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, as they viewed storm damage from superstorm Sandy. (AP Photo/Doug Mills, Pool)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama inspected the devastation from Sandy on Wednesday, flying high over flooded neighborhoods, sand-strewn streets and a burning fire that charred homes along the New Jersey coastline.

With Election Day less than a week away, Obama's visit to view the aftermath of the rare autumn storm was layered with political implications. The president's tour guide was New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican and top supporter of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney who joined Obama on a Marine One helicopter ride over the region.

To the chagrin of some Republicans, Christie has lavished praise on Obama for his efforts in helping states deal with the storm.

Even though politics infuse every moment in the final week before Election Day, the White House sought to focus attention on the storm, an event that has given Obama an opportunity to project presidential leadership in the final days of the tightly contested White House race.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said there were no political motivations behind Obama's decision to join his supporter's rival Wednesday.

"This is not a time for politics," Carney said. "The president appreciates the efforts of governors, state and local officials across the various states that were affected by the storm, regardless of political party."

During the helicopter tour, Obama and Christie saw a carnival and a large pier that had been damaged, along with flattened houses and fragments of wood scattered throughout neighborhoods. Parts of the New Jersey shore's famed boardwalk was missing in sections and in one area, a fire was still burning and appeared to have taken out about eight homes.

As Obama and Christie flew over Point Pleasant Beach, sand and water could be seen covering several blocks of the community. But the president got a reminder of next week's election: someone had written "ROMNEY" in large letters in the sand at the north end of the beach.

Wednesday marked Obama's third straight day off the campaign trail. He canceled rallies across four battleground states and retreated to the White House to oversee the government's storm response. Obama stopped by FEMA headquarters in Washington before heading to New Jersey.

Obama planned to return to the campaign trail Thursday, with stops planned in Green Bay, Wis., Las Vegas and Boulder, Colo. He planned to be on the road campaigning every day through the Nov. 6 election.

Associated Press


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Overland Park KS Pool Builders | Indoor Swimming Pool Guide

Overland Park KS pool builders will provide proper installation and ensure that your quality materials will not be wasted. For your pool building, workmanship quality is key and if you can afford it, you should call pool building experts in Overland Park KS. If you do not want to spend lots of money, you can supervise your pool building carefully.

Overland Park KS Swimming Pool Builders

Be aware that if they are not experts with over 5 years experience in indoor swimming pool building, most pool builders in Overland Park KS will not be familiar with the specialized materials and techniques required. Hence, before the construction begins, you have to make sure that each pool builder understands the importance of the materials and their proper installation.

 Indoor swimming pool builders in Overland Park KS

Also, coordinate carefully different builders and suppliers work and where they overlap. If you can, daily review building and installation of materials to find problems before they become hidden from view.
These tips will ensure your swimming pool building in Overland Park KS at good quality standards for a reasonable price.

Selecting a Overland Park KS Pool Building Contractor

In Overland Park KS, any contracting job including swimming pool building or repair that costs over $500 must be performed by a contractor who holds a current, valid contractors license usually in the classification for which they are contracting. Contractors who build or repair swimming pools must be licensed as swimming pool specialty contractors.

A general building contractor may also contract for Overland Park KS swimming pool construction provided the general building contractor holds the swimming pool specialty classification, or the general building contractor hires a licensed swimming pool specialty contractor to perform the work in Overland Park KS.

Other contractors in Overland Park KS like plumbers, landscapers, solar workers, etc., should work within their specific areas of licensure, and cannot be responsible for the overall pool building project.

Homeowners who are considering building a swimming pool may work with a salesperson. The law does allow licensed building contractors to employ registered home improvement salespersons (HIS) to solicit, negotiate, sell, or execute contracts, including swimming pool building and repair.

Tips for Choosing Overland Park KS Pool Builders

- Get referrals: It is a good idea to ask friends or family for referrals before hiring pool builders or service company. You may also get referrals from trade associations, such as a local builders? exchange or a Overland Park KS swimming pool and spa association.
- Get references: You should ask for references from the building contractor, at least one current and one recently completed in Overland Park KS. When you call to talk with the client about the job, be sure to ask how the project was handled and about their satisfaction with the contractor, sub-contractors and employees, as well as the end result for the completed job.
- Get bids: It is important to get at least three bids from pool builders in Overland Park KS so you can compare them.
- Verify the license or registration: Make sure to verify that the pool building contractors license or registration is in the name that is presented to you and that it is current and active. Ask the builder or salesperson to see their identification and check that the name of the Overland Park KS swimming pool building company with which you are doing business is listed.
- Have a contract: make sure everything is in writing. This includes materials, schedule and clean-up. Changes, details and payment scheduled should be written down in detail. Do not sign or pay anything until you completely understand the terms. A plan and scale drawing of the shape, size, and dimensions must be included as part of your swimming pool building contract in Overland Park KS.


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Monday 29 October 2012

Personal Development ? Start Now or Miss Your Better Life | Healthy ...

Webmaster | October 28, 2012 | no comments

Personal Development ? Start Now or Miss Your Better LifePersonal development is the pursuit of learning, developing, honing and mastering the skills that help you become the best that you can, with all that you have.

It is the reaching for, and realizing of your full potential as a human being.

You want to live a full, productive life, but sometimes, you just don?t know where to begin.

There is so much information ?out there? that it can be overwhelming and hard to choose what is right for you.

Depending on your concerns what seems to work for one person, may not necessarily work for you.

There are so many different ideas, strategies, advice and techniques that it?s hard to chose the right one.

One thing, however, is certain. If you want to achieve anything in your life and realise your full potential, you must have some practical and positive skills ? life skills.

In order to excel at work, in a sport or in your relationships, you must acquire and master certain skills. Living your life fully, productively and with enjoyment is no different.

Crucially possessing life skills enables you to deal with the life?s inevitable challenges and adversities more effectively. It reduces your chances of procrastinating, finding yourself getting frustrated and stressed, engaging in addictive behaviours, and experiencing overall despair and hopelessness.

When you have the proper tools and actions at your disposal, you have more control over your life and time making you happier and more confident.

Taking the first steps

Your first step is establishing a firm foundation. That foundation must be ?you?. You need to know who you are, what you want, and what you are capable of. You must then determine which values, goals and principles you will establish to guide your actions.

Learning about and applying essential life skills will help you. It will help you to:

  • know and understand yourself better
  • live life more consciously and deliberately to attain personal satisfaction and fulfilment

The hardest part in dealing with any major challenge is taking the first step, however once you do, there is a surprising positive and snowball effect. You will begin to feel good about what you?re doing and you?ll want to take further steps.You will want to keep improving yourself and to become the very best that you can be.

Your continuing journey of personal development will make you aware that there is so much more knowledge and information to be discovered, and uncovered, than you ever thought possible ? knowledge about yourself, knowledge about others, knowledge about life and the world around you.

A fantastic life experience controlled by you, if you make a start.Personal development is about wanting and pursuing new experiences, knowledge and excellent relationships. Nothing should be left out in your pursuit of finding your future self and life fulfilment.

You desire the best for you and what you want

To support you and encourage you in your pursuit of improvement and in expanding your confidence, I suggest you to read and explore every area of interest that excites you.

Read inspirational quotes, and personal development articles that include helpful tips and actions, as well as other interesting advice.

The good news is that acquiring essential life skills will not only contribute to your personal growth and development, it will make you a more interesting and dynamic individual.

Why are these new skills and experiences essential?

Without them you will always feel that something is missing in your life. What good is all the financial success in the world if you don?t have self-confidence, or know who you really are, what you want, or what you?re doing here?

We?ve all witnessed many outwardly successful and famous people who have not been able to find personal happiness. No amount of fame or fortune could fill the void they felt inside.

Your steps to achieve more of your development potential confirm that it is important to follow a plan that includes actions to:

Develop a healthy self esteem by:

  • Start from where you are right now
  • Knowing yourself
  • Learn to love yourself
  • Always be true to yourself
  • Develop a personal value system
  • Keeping an honest perspective on life
  • Keep an open mind
  • Develop and keep a sense of humour
  • Show resilience
  • Accept the reality of your situation and the world.

Use your time effectively:

  • Don?t procrastinate
  • Develop clear realistic and personal goals
  • Have a daily priority plan
  • Make time for you and your family, friends
  • Find a hobby or pastime and enjoy it
  • Work to minimise your experience of stress

Fill any idle time with useful action:

  • Make money at home ? internet ? home tasks
  • Take affordable and enjoyable holidays
  • Undertake DIY projects
  • Enjoy gardening even if it just a window box
  • Take on board a hobby that brings you in contact with others
  • Make new friends by joining local social groups
  • Start a course of learning something that you will enjoy
  • Your health is vital so do exercise, (within the limits of your current ability) diet or join a health club
  • Develop new relationships even use Dating opportunities
  • Undertake serious study to enhance your expertise and help your brain to develop
  • Develop Speed reading to open up opportunities to help others or earn extra cash

The opportunities to develop yourself fill the internet, books, advice centres and your friends.


Good Luck!!


Article by Derek R B

About the Author :?Derek Butcher, Coach. Consultant and Trainer for 35 years. CEO of http://www.time and

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Tags: Better, Development, Healthy Lifestyle Plus, Knowledge, Learning, life, Life skills, miss, Personal, Personal development, Right, Self-Help, Start,

Category: Healthy Spirit


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Friday 26 October 2012

Taiwan's HTC reports 79 percent drop in 3Q profit


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Thursday 25 October 2012

Ex-Goldman exec given 2 years for inside trades

NEW YORK (AP) ? A former Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble Co. board member once widely respected worldwide for his business smarts was sentenced Wednesday to 2 years in prison for feeding inside information about board dealings with a billionaire hedge fund owner who was his friend.

Rajat Gupta, 63, of Westport, Conn., was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff, who also ordered him to pay a $5 million fine. The Harvard-educated businessman long respected on Wall Street was one of the biggest catches yet for the federal government in its five-year crackdown on insider trading that has so far resulted in 69 convictions.

Gupta was ordered to report to prison on Jan. 8.

Reading from a statement, he said: "The last 18 months have been the most challenging period of my life since I lost my parents as a teenager.

"I regret terribly the impact of this matter on my family, my friends and the institutions that are dear to me. I've lost my reputation I built for a lifetime. The verdict was devastating."

The dealings by Gupta that were highlighted at his spring trial stemmed from his relationship with Sri Lanka-born Raj Rajaratnam. The one-time billionaire hedge fund boss controlled up to $7 billion in accounts, giving him a firm footprint in the financial markets and influence that impressed someone as widely regarded as Gupta.

"His conduct has forever tarnished a once-sterling reputation that took years to cultivate," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said after sentencing. "We hope that others who might consider breaking the securities laws will take heed from this sad occasion and choose not to follow in Mr. Gupta's footsteps."

Prosecutors described how Gupta raced to telephone Rajaratnam with stock tips sometimes only seconds after getting them from board conference calls, allowing Rajaratnam to make more than $11 million in illegal profits for him and his investors. Rajaratnam is serving an 11-year prison sentence after his conviction at trial last year.

The narrower insider trading case against Rajaratnam and his co-conspirators resulted in 26 convictions and was described by Bharara as the biggest insider trading case in history, successful in part because of unprecedented use of wiretaps more familiar to juries at mob and drug trials.

Prosecutors say Rajaratnam earned up to $75 million illegally through his trades while Gupta's attorneys point out that their client earned no profits.

At trial, Gupta was convicted of three counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiracy, insider trading charges that prosecutors said should result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

The judge said a prison sentence was necessary to send a message to insider traders that "when you get caught, you will go to jail."

Defense attorney Gary Naftalis immediately promised to appeal, telling Rakoff he wants Gupta free pending appealing. The judge did not immediately rule on the request.

Prosecutors accused Gupta, a former chief of the global consulting firm McKinsey & Co. and a onetime director of the huge consumer products company Procter & Gamble, of "above-the-law arrogance" in feeding Rajaratnam inside tips between March 2007 and January 2009.

Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein testified at trial that Gupta appeared to have violated the investment bank's confidentiality policies.

"Gupta's crimes are shocking," the government wrote. "Gupta's crimes are extraordinarily serious and damaging to the capital markets. ... It understandably fuels cynicism among the investing public that Wall Street is rigged and that Wall Street professionals unfairly exploit privileged access to information. This is particularly troubling at a time when there is widespread concern about corruption, greed and recklessness at the highest levels of the financial services industry."

In their presentencing brief, defense lawyers cited Gupta's many good deeds worldwide, saying they were unusual enough to warrant a sentence of probation with instructions to perform community service.

Naftalis told the judge that Gupta had "one of the best reputations on the planet. His loss of reputation is severely strong punishment."

The defense noted that the Rwandan government supported a program in which Gupta would work with rural districts to fight HIV, malaria and extreme poverty and to help provide food security. The lawyers said the Rwandan government would join with a U.S.-based organization already working in the country to ensure effective supervision of Gupta's service.

They also said prison would spoil the efforts by Gupta, who was born in Kolkata, India, to develop new initiatives, including the Urban Institute of India, meant to bring the private sector, academia and the Indian government together to address accelerating migration to India's cities. The more than 400 letters written to the judge on Gupta's behalf included documents signed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

"The conduct for which he was convicted represents an isolated aberration and a stark departure from this personal history," the lawyers wrote.

At Gupta's trial, which began in May, the government highlighted a Sept. 23, 2008, phone call it said was made from Gupta to Rajaratnam only minutes after Gupta had learned during a confidential conference call about Warren Buffett's planned investment through Berkshire Hathaway of $5 billion in Goldman.

Moments after the phone call ended at 3:55 p.m., Rajaratnam purchased $40 million in Goldman stock ? an 11th hour trade that ended up making him nearly $1 million ? at the height of the financial crisis that had engulfed the country.

In another recorded phone call in 2008, Rajaratnam told one of his traders that he had got a tip "from someone who's on the board of Goldman Sachs" that Goldman was facing an unexpected quarterly loss.

Gupta, prosecutors said, was motivated to help Rajaratnam because he had a financial stake in some of the hedge fund manager's business ventures.


Associated Press Writer Tom Hays contributed to this report.


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Buffalo Ranch Popcorn {Sarcastic Cooking} - Around My Family Table

I have been dreaming of this next recipe since the beginning of August when I decided to devote a whole month to popcorn and Stefanie told me what she planned to do. ?Yes, since August! ?I will eat anything?and I mean anything that is buffalo-flavored! ?My mouth seriously waters when I start thinking of my giant bottle of Frank?s Red Hot Sauce (ya know, the Costco sized bottle).

I first spotted Stefanie on Instagram?we followed a lot of the same people and so I popped over to check out her Instagram page! ?I felt instantly connected with her because of all her pug dog photos?.love me some pug dog kisses! ?Anyway, after I got over the pugs, I checked out Sarcastic Cooking. ?How can you not be drawn in with a tagline like ?Dishing up honest food with a dash of humor.? ?Here?s Stefanie?..

Hi all you Around My Family Table readers! I am so glad to be taking part in Wendy?s month of popcorn recipes! You can ask Wendy, but when she tweeted that she was looking for bloggers to do popcorn recipes, I think I responded in less than five seconds! My husband and I love popcorn!

He really isn?t into healthy snacking, so if I buy the simply salted or natural popcorn he is more apt to try that than, let?s say, beet chips. Lately, I have been getting bored with the usual late night popcorn snack, so I have been testing out a few variations.

I tried a chili flake and lime zest combo which was great, but you can?t get the right amount of chili and lime in each bite. It ends up either too spicy or too limey.

The next concoction I tried was a kind of popcorn trail mix, but I found myself picking out all the M&M?s and nuts. That defeats the purpose of a healthy snack.

A few weeks ago, a light bulb went on in my head while cooking one of our favorite dinners, Buffalo Turkey Burgers. Buffalo flavored popcorn!!!

A new favorite snack was born. Buffalo sauce with a dash of ranch dressing seasoning on a bag of simply salted microwave popcorn is a match made in heaven.

Buffalo Ranch Popcorn

9 Cups Simply Salted or Plain Popcorn, popped

2 Tablespoons Buffalo Sauce (I used Frank?s, but feel free to use your favorite!)

1 Tablespoon Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Seasoning Mix

1 Teaspoon Fresh Parsley, chopped

1 Teaspoon Fresh Chives, chopped

Pinch of Pecorino Romano Cheese, shredded

Pop your bag of popcorn in the microwave as directed on the packaging.

Add the buffalo sauce to the bottom of a large mixing bowl. Pour in the freshly popped popcorn and season the top of the popcorn with the ranch seasonings. Cover the bowl tightly in plastic wrap. Work quickly as to prevent the bottom layer of popcorn from getting soggy.

Shake the bowl to evenly distribute all the seasoning and buffalo sauce. After about thirty seconds of shaking, transfer the popcorn to a serving bowl.

Top with parsley, chives, and cheese. Serve and eat immediately!





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No Credit Check Payday Loans ? Require Money without Any ...

Finance | Loans | * Written by Alistair Cook | Wednesday, 24 October 2012 01:38 | Word Count: 466

Have you tired of roaming hither and thither to get economic financial support from your kith and kin or even lenders? If yes, end your distressful loan provisions and get now money without any trouble by applying with no credit check payday loans right away. These loans are specially planned to support bad credit people stained with past payment issues anytime when they need money urgently. So, you marked with defaults, arrears, CCJs, IVA, foreclosure, skipping of installments, bankruptcy, late payments etc can also enjoy these credit without going through any credit checks.

Varieties of expenses come about in life of one without giving any prior notification and many times you find it very difficult to meet unplanned expenses because of your limited income. Yet with no credit check payday loans you can prevail over your financial hassles without any restriction. There is no need to pledge any valuable asset as these are short term financial aids for your short and temporary financial pitfalls all of a sudden. The loan amount helps you to use the loan amount for any purpose enlisted below:

- Paying off all unpaid bill,

- Seeking for some medical treatment,

- Paying school or examination fees of your child,

- Getting the car repaired,

- Paying light bills, home rentals, gas bills, or

- Buying grocery and many more

You can triumph over all your financial pitfalls without much hurdles and tiresome formalities and procedures. This is a kind of payday cash advance that helps you to credit small amount of fund that arises in the middle of the month. It simply bridges the cash gap between two of your consecutive paydays. You can scrounge an amount ranging from ?100 to ?1500 with the easy and flexible repayment term of 2 to 4 weeks. Other than, you can extend it as per your convenience by paying some nominal charge to the lender.

In order to get the approval of no credit check payday loans as fast as possible, you need to be an adult and have citizenship of United Kingdom. You must hold a valid and active checking account for direct transmission of your required funds. In addition, you must be a regular employed earning at least the minimum of ?1000 per month. After that you are really an ideal candidate to apply for these loans without facing any difficulty. Complete a simple online application form on the website of the loan and submit it for verification. After awhile the fund is transferred directly into your bank account.


Alistair Cook, an author, has proved his master in finance. His articles are very useful and informative to get accurate information about loans. He is currently writing on no credit check payday loans, no credit check loans and fast payday loans no credit check.


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Author of this article: Alistair Cook.

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Alistair Cook joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Wednesday, 10 October 2012.

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Apple iPad mini or iPad 4th generation: Which should I buy?

It used to be fairly easy to decide on an iPad - pick your storage capacity, price, and whether or not you need cellular data support or can get by with just Wi-Fi. But not anymore.

Last night Apple unveiled the long-rumoured iPad mini, a smaller, lighter model with a 7.9-inch screen, instead of the 9.7-inch Retina display on the regular iPad. Just to keep things interesting, the company also boosted the existing, larger iPad, adding a new A6X processor, faster Wi-Fi performance, and the 8-pin Lightning connector. Both also have 4G LTE versions available and you can get them all in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB varieties.

So now which do you choose? Many people have extolled the virtues of smaller tablets. Most of the praise is centered around the ability to use the tablet one-handed, and to carry it in a coat pocket or an even smaller bag. That makes the iPad mini perfect for reading books, playing certain kinds of games, and just having it handy in a crowded coffee shop or anywhere space is constrained.

Don't discount the iPad mini's lighter weight, either. Amazingly, it weighs less than half of what the regular-sized iPad weighs, despite only losing 1.8 inches of screen diameter to its larger sibling. It's also ?130 less expensive.

That said, there's still plenty of reason to get the larger one. The 9.7-inch model has four times the screen resolution, at 2,048-by-1,536 pixels instead of 1,024-by-768. It also has a new A6X processor that Apple promises is up to twice as fast as the earlier A5X in the iPad introduced this past April. Both of those processors are faster than the A5 CPU in the iPad mini, too. That makes the 9.7-inch model better for hardcore gaming and more CPU-intensive content consumption.

Pre-orders for the iPad mini and the iPad (4th Generation) start Friday, 26 October, with the Wi-Fi-only versions hitting Apple Stores on November 2nd, 2012.


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The Science of Genius (preview)

Cover Image: November 2012 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

Outstanding creativity in all domains may stem from shared attributes and a common process of discovery


In Brief

  • Genius has been viewed two different ways: as achieved eminence and as exceptional intelligence. The former metric offers the more useful definition.
  • Genetics and life experiences both contribute to genius. Creative contributions can occur only after a domain has been mastered, but genetics can help a person improve faster and accomplish more with a given amount of expertise.
  • Genius can share certain potentially negative traits with the mentally ill, but when these traits are combined with specific positive attributes, the result is creativity rather than psychopathology.
  • A scientific genius has different expertise than an artistic genius, but all creative geniuses may depend on the same general process: blind variation and selective retention.


Identifying genius is a dicey venture. Consider, for example, this ranking of ?The Top 10 Geniuses? I recently stumbled across on From first to last place, here are the honorees: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Emanuel Swedenborg, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, John Stuart Mill, Blaise Pascal, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bobby Fischer, Galileo Galilei and Madame De Sta?l.

What about Albert Einstein instead of Swedenborg? Some of the living might also deserve this appellation?Stephen Hawking comes to mind. A female genius or two might make the cut, perhaps Marie Curie or Toni Morrison. And if a chess champion, Fischer, is deemed worthy, other geniuses outside the arts and sciences ought to deserve consideration?Napoleon Bonaparte as a military genius, Nelson Mandela as a political genius or Bill Gates as an entrepreneurial genius, to name a few candidates.

This article was originally published with the title The Science of Genius.


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Church offering class on literature banned by Fremont school board

FREMONT -- A free book club that will focus on critically acclaimed literature banned by the Fremont school board is scheduled to begin Wednesday night at an Irvington district church.

Since 2008, the five-member board has banned "Bastard Out of Carolina," a National Book Award nominee about a teenage girl sexually abused by her stepfather, and last year it rejected "Angels in America," a Pulitzer Prize-winning play about AIDS in the 1980s.

In response to the censorship, Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation hired Teri Hu -- a Washington High teacher who tried unsuccessfully to add those books to the school's AP English supplemental reading list -- to lead the new monthly club.

The eight-part course is open to the public, including Fremont students, said the Rev. Jeremy Nickel, the church's minister. Copies of the censored books will be on sale at the sessions, and some free copies will be provided to those who cannot afford to purchase them, Nickel said.

The course will ask participants to complete assigned reading that they will discuss at a monthly meeting. The first session is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in Cole Hall, next to the Fremont church at 2950 Washington Blvd., Nickel said.

"This is about educating the community about what's inside these books," he said.

Nickel, who did not disclose Hu's salary for leading the course, praised the instructor for her persistence regarding the banned books.


is attempting "to give these young people a chance to wrestle with the full spectrum of humanity in a safe environment, before they are on their own making these decisions in real time, with real consequences," Nickel said. "And equipping them with the moral muscles to make the right decisions is what happens when they explore transforming works ... and then discuss them with their peers, teachers and parents."

Hu -- a Fremont Unified School District teacher for the past 15 years -- said she submitted the same books for approval for about a decade and experienced no problems. That changed in 2008, when the school board rejected "Bastard Out of Carolina" -- even though it had been approved by a district textbook committee. When Hu resubmitted the title in 2009 and 2010, the board rejected it again and passed a rule that books could not be submitted in consecutive years. Last year, she submitted "Angels in America," which also was not approved.

Despite the repeated rejections, Hu said will continue submitting them for approval.

"It's like they don't want our children to read modern, relevant books," she said. "I am not giving up."

Ivy Wu, a school board member since 2004, said she voted to censor the works because she believes most Fremont parents do not want those mature themes featured in the school curriculum. "I'm not saying social issues should not be taught in classrooms, but these books are too graphic," she said. "It's unsettling for these parents."

Wu said she encourages parents and students to attend the church's monthly course to learn more about the banned books. "It can be done better if it's in a different setting, outside of the classroom," she said.

Contact Chris De Benedetti at 510-353-7011. Follow him at

If you go
WHAT: Course on books banned by Fremont school board: "Angels in America" and "Bastard Out of Carolina"
WHERE: Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 2950 Washington Blvd., Fremont
WHEN: 7 p.m. Wednesday
INFO: 510-252-1477


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Wednesday 24 October 2012

My Date Night at Cavalia | Edmonton South Mommy Connections

Last week I was lucky enough to score my family a set of Rendez-Vous VIP passes to see Cavalia!? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!? Food, service, dessert, drinks, seats, everything- the whole experience was the best I have experienced at any show, EVER.? We?ve seen a lot of shows, too.

Although Cavalia certainly makes a great date night for parents sans?kidlets, we decided to take our 18 month old along for the experience?since his love?for?performances seems to be budding quite nicely.? He had a late afternoon nap?and would have been up that late anyways, so why not?? It is CAVALIA!!? The Greatest Show on Earth!

After enjoying the most delicious meal and a drink on the house we took our seats and were truly amazed!??We held our breath during stunts as the humble horsemen?and these beautiful animals revealed their talents.

I?grew up?on a farm and attending shows was the weekend norm?around my town but I have NEVER seen anything quite as amazing as this!

I loved the interaction with the audience. Right from the beginning, they have fun facts about the horses they have. Multiple choice answers where the audience raises their hand to which answer they think is correct. Later in the show leaves fall down into the crowd and snow falls over the romantic scenes. The actors smile at you and enjoy your clapping after performing an amazing stunt.

So if you are looking for a date night, or like me, wanting your child to experience the marvel of human and animal working together, Cavalia certainly delivers.

Dates for the show have been extended until October 28th and there are still two dates left to grab a?25% discount off your tickets too on Rendez-vous, Gold or Orange seats! Use the code DATE NIGHT for the Tuesday or Thursday show to apply the discount.?? See the website for seating info and to reserve your tickets.

I promise this show will not disappoint!? Space is limited, now go get your tickets before they?re gone!


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Interrogating Israel Studies in the Academy: A Call for Action

23 October 2012

Interrogating Israel Studies in the Academy: A Call for Action

In May 2012, the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) issued a briefing document, ?Universities rebranding Israel?s image: Hasbara posts in Israel Studies threaten academic integrity.?[1] This important activist tool provides information and suggestions for how to mobilize against Israel Studies chairs and posts in the UK, especially in view of the promotion of Israel studies by supporters of Israel to counter Israel?s increasingly tarnished reputation and in light of the growing global BDS movement.


?Interrogating Israel Studies in the Academy? is a call to action by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).? This call builds upon the BRICUP briefing document and provides brief information about Israel Studies in other parts of the world.? We also outline for conscientious academics and students other components of Israel studies such as academic programs, centers, activities and opportunities in Israel studies.[2]





For several years now, universities in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere have been establishing academic programs and centers, faculty chairs, fellowships and scholarships, study abroad programs, journals, and other activities and schemes in Israel Studies. There is no doubt that the proliferation of Israel Studies is linked to the increasing prominence of academic activism on university campuses around the world inspired by the Palestinian call for the academic and cultural Boycott of Israel and the impressive spread of the wider boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.


As the BRICUP document makes clear, pro-IsraelHasbara (?public explaining,? or propaganda) initiatives have been well funded by the Israeli government and Zionist foundations, with strategic advice from organizations such as the Reut Institute, an influential Zionist think-tank. ?A recent investigation into Israel studies shows that while it is not an entirely new academic field, it has been particularly in the last decade that Israel?s deteriorating international image has prompted the establishment of new initiatives.[3]


As BRICUP has shown, in the UK a key propaganda initiative is the Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange (BIRAX). It was jointly established by the UK and Israeli governments, with support from the Pears Foundation and United Jewish Israel Appeal?(UJIA).[4] ?BIRAX has been facilitated by Lord Weidenfeld, a former Chef de Cabinet of Israel.? BIRAX aims to strengthen research cooperation between Israeli and British academics and academic institutions, especially as a way to counter boycott calls against Israeli universities.[5]


In the United States, there is a robust effort to institute Israel studies through a multi-faceted array of academic programs, centers, endowed chairs, fellowships and scholarships, faculty training, and visiting lectureships.[6]? The Nazarian Center for Israel Studies at UCLA, for example, has a fellowship program for academics and graduate students; training programs for teachers and university professors; an artist-in-residence scheme; and a publications series, among other activities.[7]? Other examples of Israel Studies programs and centers in the US and Canada are those at Brandies University[8], Concordia University[9], and the University of Calgary.[10]


In Europe at large, the European Association of Israel Studies was established in 2011 with funding from the Pears Foundation, based at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London for the first four years.[11]Other programs are found at Manchester University, Leeds University (all funded by the Pears Foundation) and at Oxford University (Stanley and Zea Lewis Family Foundation).[12] At SOAS the posts are named Israel Studies.? At the other universities the names link Israel with Middle Eastern or Mediterranean Studies.? There are efforts to create more posts. At Sussex University in particular, the Yossi Harel Chair in Modern Israel Studies is named after a Mossad spy-provocateur who sought to escalate conflict with Egypt during the 1954 Suez crisis; he also fought in the Haganah.? The Chair?s name indicates the pro-Zionist political objectives of the sponsors: the R and S Cohen Foundation, the Blavatnik Family Foundation, the Atkin Foundation, the Gerald Ronson Foundation (see the Annexes in the BRICUP briefing document).? Lord Weidenfeld welcomed the Yossi Harel Chair as 'vital in the fight against anti-Zionism?.? Indeed, Israel Studies 'is very important to have in some key universities, particularly those with an anti-Israel presence?, he told the Jewish Chronicle (01.03.12).[13]



A Call for Action: Countering Israel-centered Academic Propaganda


It is important to have a well-studied strategy for countering the various manifestations of Israel Studies. It is important to show that Israel studies is driven by glaring political agendas that undermine academic integrity and stems from pro-Israel considerations and motivations in the face of the increasing international condemnation and isolation of Israel as a racist, colonial and apartheid state. It is equally important to show that Israel studies often conflicts with the more or less universal values of the academy. As the BRICUP briefing document states,


[the] hasbara agenda profoundly contradicts the mission and basic values of universities. ?They are committed to excellence, integrity and rigour in both research and teaching. This aim distinguishes universities from PR companies, advertising agencies, policy-based think-thanks, in-house research units, commercial R&D units and the like.? It forms the core value of universities to the wider society.? Research and teaching therefore must be carried out in ways that are not, nor seen to be, captured by special interests of any kind. Universities have a fundamental responsibility to students, tax-payers, donors, and the wider public in this regard.? Their intrinsic value and wider reputation would suffer to the extent that they disregard this responsibility?.Israeli PR has goals fundamentally at odds with the university?s mission.? Such funding also generates a conflict with the ethical codes and standards that some universities are attempting to formalize. ??Academic integrity and freedom are under threat at every stage: in accepting such funds, selecting staff, setting the curriculum, research topics, framing issues, etc.?? Staff may well feel under pressure to keep quiet about such concerns.? Such funds concern all those who wish to uphold basic academic standards in an era of greater austerity and private fund-raising.[14]



To defend the basic mission of the university, we have a responsibility to question the aims and conditions of a new program, center, or post in Israel Studies, regardless of whether or not it has already been established.? Questions can be flexibly deployed for different purposes or at different stages, for example:

  1. pressuring universities to demonstrate that the program or post is not Hasbara Studies, or
  2. opening up debate about the academic integrity of such an undertaking , or
  3. trying to set conditions for improving its integrity, or opposing the program, post, or center.?


A campaign can maximize initial unity by posing questions to donors and universities, who may be sensitive about their reputation.? Questions could be put more forcefully if sponsored by unions of university staff and students. The list of questions should be widely publicised; see examples below.? As a general question: How do the criteria and procedures for the post, center or program compare with other new posts, centers or programs in the university or department?


University staff have already posed such questions about posts in Israel Studies.? In some cases, donors? terms have been clarified or improved, or else their offers have been withdrawn.


Depending on responses from the university and donors, a campaign can then decide on further demands or actions.?? This activity could be called, for example, the 'Campaign Against Hasbara Studies? or the 'Campaign Against Apartheid Apologetics?, or the ?Campaign for Academic Integrity?.? Groups to be engaged in a campaign include: academic and other staff; students, student societies and student unions; academic unions and associations; and the local community.? Appropriate methods include public meetings, press announcements, cross-university collaboration, etc.



Questioning Israel studies posts, chairs, programs, centers, fellowships, and other schemes



What academic need informed the decision to create the program, center, or post? Or did the initiative come from the donors?


What are the aims for establishing the center, program or fellowship?? What is the justification within the academic framework and the university?s programs??


Is the program or center involved in any academic exchange relations with Israeli universities?? If so, is the relationship part of a formal agreement between the institutions? If these Israeli universities/partners are implicated in grave violations of international law and human rights principles, how does that affect the host institution?s image and possible liability?



Criteria for candidates for posts, fellowships, and scholarships


What are the criteria and specifications for selecting a candidate?

Is the position or opportunity open to all applicants, regardless of ethnic or religious origin??

Will the donors accept a decision to select a Muslim, Arab or Palestinian?



Role of donors


Will the center, program, or appointment be set up on a basis independent of the donors?? Have they expected or requested a role in the process? Do they have the opportunity to set criteria?? If so, what are they?

Have any donors suggested names of candidates for posts or fellowships?? Have such suggestions resulted in applications?


Will the financial contribution be an annual renewal and therefore vulnerable to donor interference, or by a long-term guaranteed endowment?



Application and selection process


Where is the post, fellowship, or scholarship to be advertised?

Who are the members of the appointment committee?? Will it include a staff-appointed representative??

Has a shortlist been established?? What are the shortlisting procedures?

After shortlisting, will candidates give presentations accessible to staff members?


Below are some examples of Israel Studies programs in the US and Canada.? For information on the UK, see the BRICUP document ?Universities rebranding Israel?s image: Hasbara posts in Israel Studies threaten academic integrity.?[15]? This list is by no means exhaustive, and we encourage groups around the world to identify programs and posts related to Israeli hasbara and to add to this research related to their particular region.? We also encourage communication with us to make this list more comprehensive.

Further resources for researching Israel Studies

  1. Chairs in Israel Studies in the USA and Canada:?
  1. Israel Studies Centers in the US and Canada:
  2. A list compiled by the Association for Israel Studies of ?centers, institutes, study programs, endowed chairs, and faculty that focus on the academic study of modern Israel. It includes only institutions whose primary focus is on modern Israel, rather than on Jewish or Middle Eastern studies more broadly? :?
  1. Some American and Canadian funders of Israel Studies:


Israel On Campus Coalition (ICC):












[2] PACBI has adapted the BRICUP briefing for global use in coordination with and with the permission of BRICUP. [13] The information on UK universities is taken from the BRICUP briefing document.


Posted on 23-10-2012


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BBC airs unseen expose on its disgraced star

FILE - In this Dec. 17, 1986 file photo, Jimmy Savile, right, poses for photographers with a wax work model at Madame Tussauds museum in London. The BBC faced growing fallout Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 over sexual abuse allegations against Savile, as British Prime Minister David Cameron accused the broadcaster of changing its story about why it killed a news segment on the accusations. (AP Photo/John Redman, File)

FILE - In this Dec. 17, 1986 file photo, Jimmy Savile, right, poses for photographers with a wax work model at Madame Tussauds museum in London. The BBC faced growing fallout Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 over sexual abuse allegations against Savile, as British Prime Minister David Cameron accused the broadcaster of changing its story about why it killed a news segment on the accusations. (AP Photo/John Redman, File)

(AP) ? BBC reporters put their own bosses in the hot seat over their role in an expanding pedophilia scandal, airing footage from a previously-unseen expose of one of the BBC's most popular entertainers and quizzing senior management about why they canned the bombshell program.

Monday night's powerful but often awkward broadcast centered on revelations that late children's television star Jimmy Savile was one of the country's most prolific predators, suspected of sexually assaulting more than 200 children over his decades-long career. The scandal's explosion has cut an ugly gash through the venerable broadcaster's public image, a wound made all the worse by the revelation that executives there scrapped what would have been a hard-hitting expose of Savile's misdeeds last year.

Tim Burt, a managing partner of the Stockwell Communications crisis management firm, said the BBC faces a major blow to its reputation at a time when it is entering delicate negotiations with the government about the terms of its charter.

"To have a civil war inside on a matter of editorial judgment and the handling of potentially criminal investigations could not have come at worse time," he said.

The broadcast set out to explain why the Savile investigation was never televised. The answer remains murkier than ever ? the BBC stopped short of accusing any of its bosses of a cover-up ? but viewers were given harrowing testimony about the scale of the abuse, including allegations that girls and, in at least one case, a boy, were forced to have sex with Savile in his car, his camper van, or dingy dressing rooms on BBC premises.

"I'm so full of self-disgust. I can't believe that I did such things," said Karin Ward, who described being cajoled into giving the presenter sexual favors when she was just a young teen. She said she should have tried to put a stop to it but "I didn't. None of us did."

The program was surreal in parts, not least because nearly all the children who surrounded Savile in archival footage were shown with their faces blurred out ? each one of them a potential victim of sexual abuse. Also bizarre was the fact that the BBC was effectively conducting a televised inquisition into itself. One particularly striking scene involved a journalist bombarding BBC boss George Entwistle with questions on what appeared to be his morning commute.

"I've never seen an organization do such a knocking job on itself," commented ITV journalist Kenny Toal. "Fair play to the journalists who spoke up against their bosses."

BBC editor Peter Rippon ? who stepped down temporarily only hours before the show was aired ? was hit by some of the hardest knocks. Under fire from his two reporters, he was shown to have put out a series of misleading statements about the documentary. Emails appeared to show he was enthusiastic about the expose at first, but abruptly changed his mind for reasons that remain unexplained.

Reaction was mixed, with some viewers criticizing the BBC for not having pushed its executives harder. Others congratulated the broadcaster on a compelling broadcast that must have been difficult to organize. The Mirror's deputy television editor Mark Jefferies said in a message posted to Twitter that the program was "very thorough, compelling and depressing" and which he said showed the BBC "at its best."

"Sadly it was highlighting BBC at its worst," he said.

The scandal and the alleged cover-up have already drawn unusual criticism from the prime minister.

"The nation is appalled, we are all appalled by the allegations of what Jimmy Savile did and they seem to get worse by the day," David Cameron said earlier Monday.

The BBC can expect harsh treatment at the hands of Britain's newspapers, said Bob Calver, a lecturer in broadcast journalism at Birmingham City University. He suggested that publications from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. empire, which has been shaken by revelations of widespread criminality at its newspapers, would be particularly harsh.

"The print media will not let this story go," he said. "Because BBC was not implicated in the phone hacking scandal, it was pointing the finger at the print media, which has long felt that the BBC is smug and gets special treatment. This is an opportunity for the print media to come back at them."

There seemed to be every sign of that late Monday. Murdoch's The Sun newspaper said that BBC chiefs were "accused of betraying license fee payers by misleading the public over pervert Jimmy Savile." BBC's revenues are paid by license fees from viewers.

Asked how the BBC could have avoided some of the scandal, producer Meirion Jones answered: "Very easily. By broadcasting a story about Jimmy Savile and how he was a pedophile."


Associated Press writers David Stringer and Robert Barr in London contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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