Wednesday 28 September 2011

Man-scaping: Making A Man Better

When we mention the word cosmetic or plastic surgery,?the image that comes first to mind is that of a woman who wants to make her waist narrower, or her breast bigger. However, one may ask, are women the only ones whose physical appearance needs improvement? What about men who feel that the way they look is less than perfect?
Since prehistoric times, big and full breasts have been a symbol of a woman?s ability to nurture and provide for her offspring, hence, it was the height of attractiveness. For men, having big breasts detracts from their masculinity.

The times may have changed and we may be able to know boast of advancements, which would send our prehistoric ancestors screaming for the hills. However, man?s image and machismo in connection to his breasts have practically remained the same; for a male to be considered manly, he must have a flat, muscular chest that shows how virile and strong he is.

For those who have not heard of gynecomastia, a condition when a man?s mammary glands grow more developed than is considered normal for his gender, male breast reduction may seem laughable.

However, put yourself in that person?s situation: if your self-image as a manly man were at risk, would not you consider gynecomastia surgery to remedy your situation? In the same way that it is acceptable for a woman with a flat chest, feels the need for breast implants to gain the symmetry and shape that is considered desirable for her gender; will it not also be considered acceptable for a man with a fuller bust to feel the need to make his chest flatter and more toned?

There are many ways to achieve this goal for all the suffering males out there.

One of which is medication, which is for those who have no time to work out or convalesce after surgery. This is not always effective, and may have negative side effects. Another option is to conduct male breast reduction exercises that involve working the pectoral muscles out to tone them. This method is most beneficial for gynecomastic men in the early stages. For men whose large mammary glands are painfully evident, male breast reduction surgery is the most recommended option. This will require about a month to a full year to heal, so a person needs really allot time not just for the surgery, but for the recovery time as well.
In sum, though we may speak of procedures needed to improve a man?s appearance based on preconceived notions of masculinity ? of medication, of exercises, and even of male breast reduction surgery ? one thing that we often neglect to pay attention to is the need for education that breeds acceptance and understanding for those suffering from gynecomastia.


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