Saturday 24 March 2012

Chargebacks, especially when selling online gaming branding ...

?Younger folks are practically born with credit cards nowadays,? said Duce Scarber, a payment solution market engineer with the Gunnells Eitniear Firm and Partnership, ?and are also practically built into the internet. It?s second nature to them, unlike those in older demographics who have more money to purchase online gaming branding items, but choose to do offline.? As the internet continues to grow, better and faster processing will evolve. Darci Aschbacher, author of the blockbuster book ?E-Business by 2014? believes that eventually there will be a form of ?i-cash? that freely flows between customers and merchants online. Stated Darci Aschbacher, ?Movement towards a personal cash card NOT credit card, is starting to begin. When that day arrives, payment processing for those looking to buy online gaming branding stuff will be extremely easy, reliable, and very fast.? ?We?ve slowly moved away from check processing to credit card sales,? said salesperson Evatt Barthelmes, who works on the staff of Valliant Fenwick and Penland Bormann LTD, ?mostly because check processing takes days, and credit cards are almost instant. Further, if the check bounces, and we?ve sold a online gaming branding product, it can take a month to track down the delinquent account holder and get our money back. With credit cards, its up to the respective bank to come up with the money.? Indeed, the days of sending checks in the mail may be over, especially as internet sales of online gaming branding related products continue to boom. Jankowski Scherb, Vice President of Customer Relations for mega-company Laplace Mcneese INC recently stated that payment solutions are needed more and more as customers flock to the internet to make purchases online. ?Essentially, we want fast processing, but also very secure processing. Customer confidence is extremely important in the online gaming branding industry, and we aim to be one of the top businesses in this market. In order to do that, business transactions must be clean,? added Asst VP Kimber Verhoff. The company also plans to bolster offline payment solutions as well. As the internet continues to build and advance, more and more retailers are demanding viable payment solutions for selling their online gaming branding wares online. Payment online is not as easy as it looks: security, credit checks, and balance inquiries have to be made in seconds, so that the merchant can be assured they will get their money, and the customer can be assured they will get their online gaming branding purchase. ?I?m excited to be starting up this new e-wallet,? said Myint Kreps, CEO of Myint Kreps LLC, ?because we?ve noted a huge demand for online gaming branding transactions online. In order to meet this demand, we?re going to need high end IT and fresh programming platforms. With these two elements teamed together, we believe we can provide payment solutions for online gaming branding companies and many others.? Further information regarding new payment processing methods for the online gaming branding industry can be found at www.Rollyson, an international authority on internet commerce. The website also has a great list of trusted e-wallets that have open membership for anyone in the world, given a bank account and access to credit card. ?I love shopping for online gaming branding stuff online,? stated Marvel Buchbinder University student Wittlin Shelhamer, ?because I have a student credit card that allows me to make internet purchases. Without it, I?d be paying double or triple for my books at the school bookstore, whereas online, I can find books second hand for a third of the price.? Many other students shared this sentiment, are were generally grateful for the trust that credit card companies put in them. Danesi Furfaro, assistant chairperson of the online gaming branding industry oversight committee, believes that top payment solution may soon face stiff competition from media giant Google and/or Microsoft. ?Look, as I see it,? stated Danesi Furfaro, ?we?ve got three players all vying for the same market: search, buy, and process. Google and Microsoft have the software and search technology, while Paypal boasts the most friendly payment processing online. All the same, Google would probably prefer to vertically consolidate this process under their control, while hopefully avoiding anti-trust and/or monopoly issues.?


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